
Well Known Member
RE: ECI Engine Install?????

This next week at enter the new world of my RV7A build.......FWF Stuff. I have a brand spanking new ECi IOX 360 , ECi fuel injection, P-mags, new generation ECi horizontal cold air induction sump/throttle body, 4 pipe Vettermen Exhaust System with one heat muff.

Now for the prelim. ??????????????. Any advice in general would be appreciated. Advice on hanging the engine? Cable penetration locations.....is Vans penetration points OK or have you folks like Dan C. finding better locations for cable penetration points. I got to stop now to take the grandson to football practice............Help me please

Frank @ sgu RV7A engine install underway :D
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keep no secrets, inquiring minds want to know

keep track of your progress and take good pics. that way I won't have to ask the samething next spring. :D
I'm there as well

I'm at the same build point. I'm about to go pick up the engine hoist from the hangar. I mostly used the IO-360m1b FF kit for my TMX-IO360M with a few changes such as eyeball penetrations. Firewall is pretty much to the plans. I used Dan C's site for additional info on mounting some of the electrical stuff. We'll see how everything lines up shortly. I printed out the engine hanging tips from DR's front page link.


Keep us posted. Good luck!