
Well Known Member
RE: Ain 't Life Great

Just a short note and maybe a question or two.......

Ain't life great. Free to build one of the best aircraft in the air. Free to fly the thing when we want (weather....:eek:), where we want ( will maybe not everywhere:confused:), and have the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ to do it......still looking for that MBA quified job in Saint George, Utah.................

Getting ready to move to the airport shortly, getting myself ready...physically, mentally, emotionally, FAA registration stuff is about to hit the mail (waiting on Van's Bill of Sale), ...............Speaking of Van's after 3 years and 4 months of building they have never once let me down. Though Ken is a bit drab (is that a word) he has given me some great advice and Bruce what a guy......took me on my one and only RV ride.

Thanks too, to all you folks. There is just no way I would have been able to have completed this project with out you good aviator/builders here on the Vans Airforce forum!!!!!!

So any last minute, finish up advice is being requested. Especially when it come to getting this low time, very rusty, pilot airworthy. I will be getting up to speed in a C 182 and C150. I will also be looking for that transition training from someone willing to take this old pilot on as a challenge to get me transitioned to the RV7A. I am looking for someone close to me here in the desert SW......... Oh ya paint first then fly or fly then paint????????????

I will also be on the Big Island of Hawii staying near Kona April 7 to the 16. Any Rv'ers near building or flying. Would sure like to ckeck out any projects and would REALLY like a ride............

So now back to the old cold.......(if you call 55 degrees F cold) garage to continue my quest to complete that last 1000000000000000 details.

Keep those flying stories coming as it give me hope and encouragement.

Frank @ SGU and 1L8.....................RV7A
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Oh ya paint first then fly or fly then paint????????????
You'll get a lot of differences of opinion here. I've built 7 airplanes. The RVs are the only ones that I flew first. I will NOT do it again. It's so much easier to paint in pieces. It's also difficult to get everything "clean" after flying.
If you are going to HAVE the airplane painted then go ahead and fly. If you are going to paint it yourself, paint first.
$.02 please.

Paint first, I did would do the same again...Oh and I really enjoyed learning to paint!

Frank 1
I flew first and my plane is now in the paint shop. Perhaps this answer comes under duress :))), but if I were to do it again I would probably paint first. It sucks not having a plane!

Plus, having your plane painted professionally costs mucho dinero.

edit: There are *definite* upsides to flying first....like when the bolt on the mixure arm on my FI servo poked a hole through the cowling. :) Didn't take too much to fix it afterward.
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Paint first. Much cleaner and it's SO nice to look good on that first flight!

For getting ready for transition training, fly everything you can. I even got some Cub time but can't say that helped much. I thought Tomahawk time was helpful, better than 150/172.

Bob Kelly
If you could find a Grumman to get some time in or an SR20, these are much more similar to the RVs than the Cessnas, and have the free castoring nosewheel, probably a little more expensive though.
Definately paint first, if you're doing it; as others have mentioned. I did mine with the wings and tail off. IMO.................an RV isn't done, 'till it's painted! :D That's because it's still a lot of work, unless you farm it out for an additional 5-8000 bucks.

And speaking of Kona, they had a nice Waco there. It was a vintage '26 or '27, and the pilot was from Park City. Two people could fit in the front seat, and you'd check out the whales and volcanoes. Was 11 years ago, though.

I'm have to turn in my paper workin the next couple of days. Does the address on the form have to be the same as the one on your PPL or can you put a different address down (Where the plane will actually be kept)?
So now back to the old cold.......(if you call 55 degrees F cold) garage to continue my quest to complete that last 1000000000000000 details.

It is -2F here this AM and I'm working on replacing SCAT tubing, buut you are right. I'd rather be doing this that anything else. Life is great.