
Well Known Member
RE: 430/halo/?????

Last February I bought the QT Halo's and after some intial problems......Phil updated the Mic..... which made them the best headset I have used.

But, recently I am getting a squelch hiss when I talk to PAX, TW, Unicom when in flight but not on the ground...............

So I have adjusted the squelch on the GMA340, GSN430WASS, SL40, to every possible setting with no joy in the AIR.

In talking with Phil by email he thinks a tweek to the 430 gain may do the trick.

Now the question with some prelim info. I have not found info on how to set the gain on the Garmin COMMS or VOR. HOW do I accomplish this. And be gental I know that the info is in plain view but my old brain/eyes just don't see it.

Plus as anyone else had this problem and what was your solution.

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... Flying and Trackn (MT-RTG)
Just added a 5000EXX audio panel and 430W and had no problems with my Halo. I do have a new squeal when transmitting on my com 2, my original XCOM 760. I haven't tried the gain, but am going to try it. These are just growing pains...

Bob Kelly