YellowJacket RV9

Well Known Member
Hi all,

I am getting married in Chapel Hill in August, and we are planning on having some engagement photos taken in April (the weekend of the 25th-26th). My fiance, wonderful as she is, suggested something at an airport or airpark, with an RV or 2 if possible.

If there are any of you in that area that have any suggestions on a good location, or wouldn't mind volunteering your plane in exchange for a few cold drinks, I would love to hear from you.


8A7 Twin Lakes

My fianc? and I are getting MARRIED IN my RV-4 on April 18th..we have a pastor that will be flying in another aircraft next to us..she loves the -4 and the group of pilots/RV's in our community and the fun we have with flying it will be posted after the event!. 7 RV's of various kinds at 8A7, and pretty good place to do photos, as we have a turf runway also with nice trees for backdrop. Come visit us, we live on the airport.
As a kid, I was told that Horace Williams was the largest sod field east of the Mississippi. Never checked the validity of that claim. Ever since they killed that with a miniscule strip of pavement in 1970, it has not really been that photogenic in my opinion but YMMV. Not sure if any RVs are on the field.

There are a couple of airport communities. One is the Duchy. West of Chapel Hill off of Thom road I think. There were a couple of RVs there the last time I visited. There is another airpark south of town too, but I don't have any details about it, sorry.
No RV's at Chapel Hill /Horace Williams that I know of.

South of Chapel Hill is Eagles Landing in the town of Pittsboro. 4,000ft grass field in so so condition, rain dependent. One RV-4 plus a dozen certified other types on the field. Owners are not anxious to have non residents fly in.

A little farther south is KTTA, Raleigh Executive Jetport. There are 7 or so RV's of various types on the field. At least one RV pilot is always around.

A nice picture venue is Smith Mountain Lake up in Virginia. Jack Phillips has a Bed and Breakfast on the field there. Jack has an RV-4 and is building an RV-10. He does have a web site.