(xpost from lancair group)

Is the Ray Allen system common in RV's?

I am replacing the circa-2006 rudder trim relay with the newest version offered by R.A.; the REL-2.

Minor deviation in the wiring colors compared to the original relay:

New relay
color - and notes supplied with relay

Red - "12-14V"
Blue - "Actuator power"
Black - "ground"
Orange - "momentary contact switch to ground"
Green - "momentary contact switch to ground"
White - "connects to the white actuator power wire"
Gray - "connects to the gray actuator power wire"

Old relay
wire colors noted

1. The only difference in the new relay is the lack of one white wire and the presence of a gray wire.
By deduction it appears these can be safely* interchanged (*safely; as in - no blue smoke).

I bet that connecting them wrong could end up with the trim tab moving the wrong way.
I will be certain to get this right before flight, of course.

Does that sound right? There is no comment in the notes provided about this discrepancy. I can, of course call RA on Monday but this is a very common trim system so I thought someone here might be able to help.

2. In the notes it says,
'Connect the blue wire to the red wire if no speed control is used.'

- the old relay did not appear to have these wires connected although this could be something that was done well upstream of the relay where I cannot see.
-I do see an Elevator Trim Speed Control, and all the relays and voltage regulators for the system are there in one general area but no Rudder Trim Speed Control
-I see no such relay in the wiring diagram.

(Wondering what damage could occur if I do not connect red and blue.)
Im going to fall short of providing a definitive yes or no......

On the RA servos, I believe the two white wires can be swapped if the servo isn't operating in the right directions. Some wiring diagrams show these two white wires to be one white and one gray. These wires are power feeds, I believe, to the servo. The polarity reverses in them to drive the servo in different directions.

Best to call company support to find out for sure.

(Wondering what damage could occur if I do not connect red and blue.)

No damage will occur if you don’t connect the blue wire to the red wire. The only thing that will happen if a servo speed control is not installed is the servo will not work as it won’t have power. The servo gets its power from the speed control if it is present.
