
Well Known Member
Hello Gents

I'm in the final stage of installing electrical trim on my RV-4 and when I powered up the indicators ( RP-3 ) with the trim actuators perfectly centered, the pitch trim indicator show a very slight nose up ( about half a dot) and the aileron trim showed about a dot and half to the right..

The old RP-1 indicator had a set screw to adjust them but the RP-3 don't so I'm wondering if there is a way to adjust these things..

Anybody knows how ??


[email protected]
Elevator trim indicator.
1. Center the trim indicator by moving your trim switch servo.
2. Then center the elevator trim by adjusting the elevator tab.

Aileron trim indicator.
1. Center the trim indicator by moving your trim switch servo.
2. Center the aileron trim so the arm on the bias spring is straight up and down.

Check both for trims full and correct movement.

It?s really quite simple!
Trim Indicator

Hi Jim

This is exactly what I did..

I centered the pitch trim tab on the elevator ( locked with a rubber clap in place so it wouldn?t move ) and measured the full travel of the servo ( 1.5?? when fully extended ) retracted the servo to half that and connected the whole thing...When I powered it up, it showed about half a dot off from center ...

Did the same with the aileron trim servo but once powered the indicator showed a dot and half off to the right...

The old Ray Allen trim indicator (needle type) like my friend has, have a set screw to center the needle so I was wondering if there were a way to adjust the RP-3 model...

I will disconnect them on thursday, re-check everything and take it from there I guess..

Thanks for the reply

