
Well Known Member
I have been trying to wire up my electric trim switches and servo's with the small scale, I am trying to install a small termial strip with two rows of screws to make it a clean connection and setup, but those damn wires are so small, I have not found any terminals yet, but wanted to ask if anyone has done this.. I wish they would have used something larger and easier to work with.. any help would be great..

thanks rosie

I did search the topic, and read a few message, lots of ideas, I want some simple round eye for 28 gauge wire.. I am heading to town tomorrow and see what I can find.. maybe a remote control store has something as I read some used that.. thanks again..

I am using 'Crimp style' 9 way D connectors. The crimp style pins pust into the holder. You could just use the pins and heat shrink around them if space is an issue. You can get them from affordable panels.

I know of another builder using connectors for a RC model.

Hope this helps,
thanks guys

I just went back out ( i know its 3am ) and tried
butt connectors to move up to 22 gauge wire, maybe that will get me somewhere locally and find some baby connectors tomorrow in the am, need to get this wiring done.. I thought the slider and fiberglass was bad.. it gets worse not better :) although I am having the time of my life building.. and I think its actually moving forward.. tomorrow the fwf kit will be here and all the dynon probes and ems wireharness ,(planning a d-180) already did the efis harness so most everything else is done wirewise , I will need to figure out what wire goes to the alt hold servo, anyone got any ideas, "autopilot to servo wire ?" I would rather run the wire now for the duel axis autopilot , might be a while before I get one but I will be ready .. :)

Thanks again..


I used 22AWG crimp connectors to connect the stick wires to a terminal strip. I stripped off the insulation and doubled the stripped wire back over itself to provide enough for the crimp to grab.
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AFulmer said:

The little hole in the HS spar and elevator spar aren't really conducive (imho) to using Bob's approach with the trimmed D9.

That's basically what I did, except I didn't bother with the D9 connector. Just D-sub pins and sockets with heat shrink over each, then heat shrink over the bundle. Simple, light, and -- seriously, how often is your elevator gonna be removed?!




100% trouble free for over 800 hours so far.
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starting a Group buy

I wanted to start a group buy were everyone pitches in 10 bucks till we save up enough for Dan a Paint Job , sorry I couldn't resist lmao, pick out a paint shop or paint store if you want to paint it yourself, (no you don't get the cash) and we will start sending the money in..

thanks everyone :) all great ideas, its 1pm so Its time to get back at it..

sorry Dan I am just playing with ya.. after that
last comment, but really I will be the 1st to send the money.. hell I will even double it.. :)
