
Well Known Member
Hi all. I use Avare as my navigation app, which works great. I recently just purchased the Raspberry Pi 3 Stratux kit to get weather and traffic. I assembled and powered it up and connected my device to the Stratux Wifi. But cannot get traffic or weather on my screen.

Is anyone having success with the Raspberry kit and running an Android navigation app? Foreflight seems to have no problems with it. But so far I have not heard of anyone getting this kit to work with Avare (or other Android apps).

When launching my Avare External I/0 pluggin app, there's a box that asks for port number. The default is "43211". Should I enter something else? There's nothing in the kit that specifies what the port number should be. I also tried, "4000", and it seems to start some data streaming, but still no display of traffic or weather on my screen...

I am running Avare and Stratux. It's hard to beat the price/performance point.

It looks like you have the I/O plugin configured right. Are you testing on the ground? If so, you probably wont see any weather or UAT traffic unless you're very close to a tower. The only thing I can receive on the ground is 1090ES traffic. I can typically see airliners and ADS-B OUT equipped planes, like a few RVs I know are running Skyview systems with 1090-ES or UAT out. I don't know if it will show regular 1090 non ADS-B transponder squawks or not -- I don't think so.

In the air I can see weather and traffic -- IF I'm high enough, and IF there's an ADS-B OUT equipped plane nearby. I don't have OUT, only IN, and they're not transmitting UAT unless you have a compliant OUT setup. You'll still get 1090 traffic.

Point your web browser at That's your Stratux status page, it will show you if you're receiving UAT and/or 1090ES messages.
Thanks Dale. I guess I'll have to get up in the air and test it out. Since I live about 2 miles from KLGB, I thought maybe I can pick up something, even while on the ground...

Do you have a screen shot of what the weather information displayed looks like?

So "4000" for the port number is correct?

I only have the 978 UAT receiver. I figure, I don't really need the 1090ES for keeping track of the big planes b/c they're in the system radar already and I don't have to worry about running into them. I mainly wanted to keep track of other small planes to avoid them and to get live weather. I know they have to broadcasting ADS-B out, so I'm not getting the complete picture, but it's better than nothing, I figure. Am I missing anything else by not getting the 1090ES receiver??

I am running Avare and Stratux. It's hard to beat the price/performance point.

It looks like you have the I/O plugin configured right. Are you testing on the ground? If so, you probably wont see any weather or UAT traffic unless you're very close to a tower. The only thing I can receive on the ground is 1090ES traffic. I can typically see airliners and ADS-B OUT equipped planes, like a few RVs I know are running Skyview systems with 1090-ES or UAT out. I don't know if it will show regular 1090 non ADS-B transponder squawks or not -- I don't think so.

In the air I can see weather and traffic -- IF I'm high enough, and IF there's an ADS-B OUT equipped plane nearby. I don't have OUT, only IN, and they're not transmitting UAT unless you have a compliant OUT setup. You'll still get 1090 traffic.

Point your web browser at That's your Stratux status page, it will show you if you're receiving UAT and/or 1090ES messages.
Thanks Dale. I guess I'll have to get up in the air and test it out. Since I live about 2 miles from KLGB, I thought maybe I can pick up something, even while on the ground...

Do you have a screen shot of what the weather information displayed looks like?

So "4000" for the port number is correct?

I only have the 978 UAT receiver. I figure, I don't really need the 1090ES for keeping track of the big planes b/c they're in the system radar already and I don't have to worry about running into them. I mainly wanted to keep track of other small planes to avoid them and to get live weather. I know they have to broadcasting ADS-B out, so I'm not getting the complete picture, but it's better than nothing, I figure. Am I missing anything else by not getting the 1090ES receiver??

You probably won't receive the "big guys" without both 978 AND the 1030 receivers. The 1030 data is only transmitted to 978 if you are ADSB OUT equipped.
That said, Avare and Stratux work great together. Check the Listen box on the plug in app. You will see data if in range of a tower. If all you see is the same message (time check) over and over, you are not any seeing data.

Feel free to ask more questions! It takes a bit to get the Stratux going, but it worth it!

I have this same setup but have yet to test the receiver. I also noticed today (19 Aug) that there may be updated software on the website (http://stratux.me/).

If there are others running this configuration, I would be interested in knowing what settings they use to guarantee reception and how they would rate it...?
The SDR receivers are cheap enough I can't think of a good reason not to run both. Listening on 978 will only give you any benefit if there's a compliant OUT-equipped plane close enough to trigger a broadcast from a tower you can hear. Where I am located, that means no UAT unless I'm flying.

For testing, you can just switch it to 1090 and see if you start seeing airliners. There's a setting in Avare, by the way, that will limit the traffic it displays to planes that are close by. You may need to set that to a wider area too.
I got it working! It was fine all along, but I just wasn't getting a signal. When I went outside and started driving around in my car, I was beginning to see stuff. And when I went up to a 300ft hill, I got A LOT of planes on my screen. Hopefully I can get off of work early enough today to test it in the plane.

The reason why I decided NOT to get 1090 is b/c I figure in my area the airspace is so congested anyway and I did not want to clutter my screen with tons of planes that are not a traffic factor to me (big guys flying up at 18,000ft+).

Even with just my 978 receiver on the ground, look at what my screen is showing (see attached photo):


The SDR receivers are cheap enough I can't think of a good reason not to run both. Listening on 978 will only give you any benefit if there's a compliant OUT-equipped plane close enough to trigger a broadcast from a tower you can hear. Where I am located, that means no UAT unless I'm flying.

For testing, you can just switch it to 1090 and see if you start seeing airliners. There's a setting in Avare, by the way, that will limit the traffic it displays to planes that are close by. You may need to set that to a wider area too.
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Good deal!! Glad you got it tested. You can tell Avare to only display targets close to you, like within 10000' or whatever. Look in the settings. You probably don't care about traffic 20 miles out. :)