
Well Known Member
<RANT>D*mn delivery people</RANT>

[was] Expecting my wings today. Took a day of work unpaid and sat around all day. Was asked to go teach (skydiving) this afternoon. Confirmed with the shipping guys they'd deliver around lunch time. Agreed to go skydive. Haven't been able to start anything since the truck could turn up any time. Electrician came and went. Local builder came and went (dropped of some tools). 4pm; phoned shipping company; "where's this truck". They'll phone back. They did; just now. Sorry, didn't realise it was a residential address and ee'll need the other truck with the tail-lift and pallet-truck. It'll have to be tomorrow now, 7:30am. Great, I have to leave to go teaching (skydiving) at 7am to jump the students I haven't been able to do this afternoon. Phoned up skydiving guys and told them I'd be late; they're even less happy now. Aarrrggggghhh....
Sorry. Just had to rant. Who'd build a plane, huh?
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Jeff, if that's the largest frustration you have during this project, you'll be doing great! Hang in there, dude!
Sleep on it

Man, I am never gonna get to sleep, too excited :)

Did actually go and do one skydive yesterday (the guy did well too...). With luck I'll receive the wing kit later this morning. As soon as it is secure in my workshop I'll be off to carry on jumping with the students - busy day ahead, I think. Hopefully I can get all the students done today and leave this evening and tomorrow for inventory. I'm real keen to see the job that Evan has done with my fuel tanks. Oh, that reminds me; I need to buy a small amount of avgas to flush them with...

Incidentally, I have no problem waiting, frustrating though it may be, but punctuality is very important to me. If you promise to be somewhere at a certain time you should be there. If you can't make it, don't promise. If you get held up for some reason, call and say so. It's simple courtesy and communication, nothing more. Sadly, many other people in this world don't share the same values...:( Excepting the people in these forums of course ;)

I have the added pressure of trying to decide what type and colour harness to order on the hooker group buy, even though I'm a loooong way from knowing the final colour scheme of the plane. I'm thinking sport, military buckle (rotary is just too expensive) and dark grey webbing with royal blue pads. The current colour scheme for the plane is a wgite/blue/yellow thing. May change of course. But hopefully that colour harness will be universal enough to fit whatever I do (especially since any design is gonna have blue somewhere!).

Good night... I'd better go and at least try to get some sleep...

My wings are so close I swear I can smell them... Kind of a sweaty smell... or is that me? [rhetorical] :p
Re: fuel tanks

Just something to keep in mind...once you put fuel in them, and WELL after you take the fuel out, those tanks are ticking time bombs waiting to explode. Many welders have hurt/killed themselves trying to work on empty fuel tanks that they've "flushed" with water. Fact is that the fuel vapors will be oozing out of all the pores forever and the only safe way to work on them is to flood the area with inert gas to prevent combustion.

I'm not saying don't do it, but be aware that once you do you can't do anymore work near the tanks that could cause heat or sparks. I didn't know any of this until I started looking at the Bearhawk. It has welded tanks. :)
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A b .... no, a bomb

Ooooh, not sure I like the sound of that. Thanks guys, I'll check that out. Evans Aviation built my tanks for me so hopefully other than a flush out there isn't much, if anything, to do with them until I fit them to the leading edge.
7:05am - been up for over an hour pacing the floor! :)
Coupland's Transport

I won't bore you guys with the details just yet, but for anyone in New Zealand, don't ever think of using this company. I still don't have my wing kit, even though I have been promised delivery not once, but twice. Apparently they don't know how to get the spar box off the truck since I don't own a fork lift. Full sordid details once I finally get this sorted out, but at the moment you couldn't possibly describe me as a happy builder... :(
Partain needs a boat

When I had Partain deliver my QB8, I was in cell phone contact with the driver several times as he approached my state. Got here a day early! Hope your luck improves.

Got 'em

Thanks Charlie, I finally got them late this afternoon on the third day that they said they would deliver. I don't know what the fuss was about: the driver and I lifted the boxes off of the truck between us. Yesterday I made a couple of little wheeled platforms to put under the spar box; made life very easy. We jsut lifted the box onto the platforms and wheeled them into the shed! I guess I'll have to start the inventory now; yikes!