
Well Known Member
Received my first ramp check today.

I taxied back to my hangar after my morning flight & the official was waiting for me to exit my 7A.
All my papers were in order and he was very accomodating.
I believe he was working our airport today and from what I heard from others, they were focusing on the medical.

Any other activity out there?
I was curious to know whether this may have been a national directive.
I was at KPIE today over the course of about 2 hours. I didn't see any checks going on.


I was curious to know whether this may have been a national directive.

I doubt it, I think it is a random event unless there have been specific complaints. The Feds that I have talked to view it as a way to "get out among 'em" As Dan learned, if you have your ducks lined up, it is a non-event. Even in the airline business, where it happens a lot more, I have never had a negative experience.

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
No checks here ... I've never seen one other than when we had several spray planes working at our airport... we had two officials show up then.

- Casey