
Well Known Member
"Either you GET to build it, or you GOTTA build it." Right. Well, what about when you have a partner in the build? How does that affect the 51% Rule? I've been making reasonable progress on my -8 project, but I may have a partner now who wants to make significant contributions. He's a non-pilot A&P recently retired from a major airline, and he wants to jump right in. Seems like a dream come true?
I'm having a bit of a challenge, getting my mind out of the linear, "there's nobody working on it but me," to a whole other way of operating. Now, it's, "while I'm working on this, you can go ahead an get that done!" So, that's one challenge - coordinating the effort. No issues with pride of process here.
What is the FAA going to say if he's mentioned in the build log as doing THIS while I've been doing THAT? And, if they read the log carefully, what will they think if the build accelerates suddenly and I'm done in record time after I've been dawdling along?
"Either you GET to build it, or you GOTTA build it." Right. Well, what about when you have a partner in the build? How does that affect the 51% Rule? I've been making reasonable progress on my -8 project, but I may have a partner now who wants to make significant contributions. He's a non-pilot A&P recently retired from a major airline, and he wants to jump right in. Seems like a dream come true?
I'm having a bit of a challenge, getting my mind out of the linear, "there's nobody working on it but me," to a whole other way of operating. Now, it's, "while I'm working on this, you can go ahead an get that done!" So, that's one challenge - coordinating the effort. No issues with pride of process here.
What is the FAA going to say if he's mentioned in the build log as doing THIS while I've been doing THAT? And, if they read the log carefully, what will they think if the build accelerates suddenly and I'm done in record time after I've been dawdling along?

No impact with the FAA. As long as your A&P friend is not being compensated, the FAA doesn’t care. You can have 50 builders and still meet the 51% rule. With that said only one of you can apply for the Repairman certificate. It can be either one of you. The FAA doesn’t care either than whomever applies has appropriate knowledge.
None of that matters as long as you are not paying him to build. You can have as many builders as you want. The important thing is that the majority of the aircraft must be built for education or recreation, without compensation.

OK, Bob types faster than I do this morning.
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Sharing the work among friends is no issue. As long as you are both uncompensated volunteers, the sum of both your work counts toward the 51%. However only one of you can get the repairman certificate…. Which your friend will not need anyway with his A&P already achieved.
God love and protect you guys! Seriously. It's like a quick draw contest: who can get their shot off faster! And, you're all on target. Thanks.

Yes, finding my friend is like hitting the lottery. No compensation, if you don't count adult beverages and free use of the potty. As I said, he's not a pilot, so not even interested in the repairman certificate. Perfect.
I'd recommend an exit plan if things don't work out for some reason, or if someone passes away. I'd also want to maintain control if I were you as its your project that you started, and he's kind of like the junior member even though he knows a lot.

I once did a real estate investment with a friend. I decided from the outset that HE was captain, and I'd by FO. Meaning I would not buck his judgment when we decisions. When the market took a turn, that guided how I reacted and we are still good friends. But it did not go like I envisioned it would in the beginning.
Just remember to list him as a builder on the 8130-12. ALL builders just be listed.
Thanks! Good to know. How is "builder" defined for this purpose? Someone who holds stuff down while I rivet, for example?

Mel beat me on this reply. 😀

I put everyone that helped with the build. This was anyone that put in more than 5-10 hours. It was a short list, but I felt that was also a form of recognition and thanks for helping with the build. Even though only the FAA and myself know what I put on the form.
That large, blueprint size Plan #1? The three-view of the plane? It's been hung on the wall of every workshop ever inhabited by the project. ANYONE who has ever even laid their hands on a piece of metal to assist has been invited to sign it. I'll start there. Thanks.
That large, blueprint size Plan #1? The three-view of the plane? It's been hung on the wall of every workshop ever inhabited by the project. ANYONE who has ever even laid their hands on a piece of metal to assist has been invited to sign it. I'll start there. Thanks.

Nice idea, Clay!