
Well Known Member
Hi. I can't understand differences between the above mentioned antennas.
It seems AV-12 is low profile and AV-532 not.
Both are VOR receivers.
Van's describes the first as VOR and the second as VOR/GS.
RAMI website makes no difference.

My question is: is AV-12 capable of GS receiving or do I have to buy AV-534?

I also have this question on nav antennas.

Some are listed as VOR/LOC and some as VOR/LOC/GS but they look the same to me. So what is the difference other than the price?
Wow, I sent those same questions in an e-mail to RA Miller sales this past Friday, but have yet to get a response. If I do, I'll post for all to see unless someone beats me to it.

I would think that both attennas would receive VOR and GS, but just not sure based on the physical description on the RAMI site which is the best solution for my installation.

I really like their prices compared to COMANT.
Not to talk about the different drag:
- AV-12 is less than 1 lb. @350 mph;
- the other is more than 3 lbs...

Added: maybe the AV-12 is low drag antenna without GS capability. Actually, base is not as big as the one in AV-532. So, if one buys the first, he should add AV-570 splitter: This should be better for drag, but worst for connections (more connections). AV-532 should have GS capability incorporated, but it has a bigger base and arms which make more difficult installation inside tip and increase drag.

Is this right? If so, which combination is preferrable?
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Just got off the phone with RAMI and here's the scoop:

- Electrical performance of both anttennas is the same (ie VOR/LOC/GS)
- The AV-12 is sold to Piper as OEM, the AV-523 to Aviat for the Husky
- The insulator on the -532 is twice as thick (7/8" vs 7/16" for the -12) and the stainless steel dipoles are a thicker guage on the -532 as well.
- Both require a cable with an integral Balun which comes with both antennas if you get the "L" version
- The AV-532 has a 2-hole bolt attachment pattern molded in. The AV-12 has a rectangular area that is marked "Do Not Drill" so you can use any bolt pattern you desire as long as you stay out of the rectangle.

It looks like the main difference is physical. So which one you go with depends mainly on whether you need a more robust antenna for your aircraft's environment (i.e. bush flying vs. long paved runways) or if you want/need more flexibilty on how you mount it. A diplexer for either antenna will be needed depending upon your avionics. For example, an SL30 has an integral diplexer so something like the 570 is not required. However, a GNS430 requires two NAV inputs (one for VOR and one for GS) so a external diplexer is required.

As I'm planning to mount mine on the bottom of my tailcone under the HS of my -10, I have decided to go with the AV-532 which is the same price as the AV-12 in Van's Online WebStore ($137).
Excellent answer, Auburntsts!

Do you think that placing the antenna in the VS tip would require the more robust antenna, according to major vibrations in that zone? And if I would place antenna as you, under the tail cone?

I think that either antenna in either location would be fine. RAMI's preference was VS first, then tailcone. I'm going with the tailcone simply because I've already completed my VS and the tailcone install will be easier IMO. So, my advice is to go with whichever one you find that's cheaper.

I put my nav antenna in the wingtip and it works great and doesn't hang out. I have tested the range for LOC/VOR/GS in all headings and it works fine with just a single element antenna in the left wing.
Update: I found that wider antennas pins have better performance (less attenuation). I'm also thinking on going with one COM antenna under the belly (stright whip) and one over the turtle deck (straight whip). One cat whiskier in the VS (the wider one) and the other VOR antenna inside the wing tip (Bob archer).
I'm curious to find out what you all think about the antenna that Bob Archer makes. It's sold through Spruce and from what I've read it does a pretty good job at a far lower price. Don't know much about it myself but I've been researching the h--- out of this stuff for the last month. Info about the antenna itself can be found by Googleing "Bob Archer" if you haven't already been there. I'd love to see more info about his VOR antenna from some actual users.
If you do a search you should find the answers you are looking for. I went through this a while back myself and based upon what I read the Archer wingtip Nav antennas work fine, particularly for VFR use, but perhaps not quite as well as their external (whisker or towel bar) bretheren--note this observation is based on my reaserch and is subjective as I have never flown with an Archer antenna. So my conclusion was for optimal performance, go external.

For what its worth, I'm going with 2 bent whip comm antennas on the belly, a VOR whisker on the tailcone under the HS as my primary, and an Archer in the right wingtip as my #2.