
Active Member
OK... In Phase 1 on my RV-10. Had a roll tendancy. Checked rigging. Was off a bit. Adjusted it and now the rigging is spot on.

After re-rigging the plane flies much better but one wing is developing more lift. Still rolls a bit and the ailerons reach aerodynamic equilibrium in an uneven state.

So...I checked the aileron heights. Yep...they are not at the same height WRT the wing. So I've got to adjust one.

I've read the threads about slotting an aileron bracket to move it up or down on the rear wing spar. Some suggest a trial and error approach to get it right, followed by drilling (in the newly determined proper locations) an undrilled Van's-supplied aileron bracket for a permanent solution. Fair enough.

So...am I right that this trial and error process of slotting/flight testing (slotting some more if necessary) followed by final drill of the new bracket requires the tedious process of drilling out the bracket, slotting it, riveting it back on, drilling the bracket out again, riveting it back on, etc. (lather, rinse repeat)?

Or is there some other method that I'm missing? My arm is already hurting just thinking about having to buck those rivets thru the aileron bellcrank access location.

On older -10s there were two attach bolts per bracket-easy to remove. I hear newer 10s have rivets instead of the bolts.
I am not sure that the slotting approach would work with rivets. Mine have two bolt holes for attachment and slotting works because of the strong compressive forces of the nut/bolts. Don't think that can be replicated with rivets. I would not trust a rivet compressed through a slotted hole to hold very well.


I've read the threads about slotting an aileron bracket to move it up or down on the rear wing spar.

You might be looking at the wrong bracket. When I have done this, I have slotted the bracket on the aileron, NOT the bracket attached to the rear wing spar. Look at the bracket on the aileron itself and let us know if that has bolt attachments to that aileron spar.

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