
Well Known Member
This morning I flew to KRZT (37 nm) for IFR certification. Two bands of rain activities were moving fast from the west. The first band had arrived at my destination and the second one was following. I figured that I can still made into KRZT and return after the second band passes. Half way through my trip I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky. On my GRT EFIS I was following both the weather and the traffic. I saw a traffic on my level converging so I changed my heading 20 degrees. It flew right across the rainbow (toward the end of the video). Following are two photos (grabbed from video) and the video.


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Your picture definitely beats mine. I saw your rainbow couple days ago the colors were the same :D

Great picture Ted.

I didn't get a picture of my best rainbow from the air, but about 2 years ago flying with my wife we saw a rainbow that was a complete circle.

I am not sure what conditions allow you to see them as a circle, but it was cool.

Flying at about 3500 ft AGL small rain showers in the area.

Something many people don't realize about rainbows is that it is always darker outside the arc of the rainbow than inside. Check the photos above for proof.
