Active Member
Gang, I've had an intermittent problem with my Valcom 760 comm for the last 300 hours. The wiring setup is all per Bob Knuckles Aero'lectric guidelines. Transmit is described as weak, scratchy and unreadable--other time L/C . I seemed to get some improvement with minor adjustments in mike gain, but still not reliably clear transmissions. I finally took it to the radio guy and he checked all frequencies for radiated power and exact frequency transmitted with no abnormalities and the wiring all checks good. His next suggestion is to swap with another Val and see if it's the radio or the airplane. Anybody have other ideas? Anyone want to lend/rent me a Valcom? I'm frustrated...
Most all problems relating to "transmit" turn out to be antenna related. That's the first place to check. First make sure you have a good ant lead connection at the radio and the antenna. Next make sure that the antenna has a good ground. Next borrow a VSWR meter and check the output and SWR.
I have a Val 760 I've been meaning to list for sale that worked great before removed. You are welcome to try it if you want to go that route before I try to sell it.
Thanks Mel. I'll look into those areas.
Deven: Thanks, I might take you up on your offer very soon.
I'm ready to take you up on your kind offer!

Deven, can you send me a PM with your contact info so I can try out your radio. Thanks a million! --Greg