
Well Known Member
For the shorter radios (like the Garmin GTX327 transponder) that don't extend all the way back to the sub-panel, do these trays need to be supported at the back? Mine is only supported at the front and seems to be rock solid. I've thought of various ways I could anchor it to the long tray above it (which is supported back at the subpanel), even with duct tape or safety wire wrapped around them...
Back support highly recommended.

Lots of vibration, and the radio trays tend to stabilize the whole panel if they are near the center. Look at the overall flex in the front panel. If you have some that you would like to work out, use the avionics trays as supports. I found this to be a difficult issue to resolve in a flying slider equipped plane. Tough access, and hard to fix later. I think an ounce or two of bracing is weight and time well spent.

Hope this helps,
I have a GTX327 directly below a SL-30. The SL-30 goes through the sub-panel and rests on an Aluminum angle attached to the panel. The 327 is supported buy two Aluminum bars (.062 or similar) one on top of the SL-30 and one below the 327. These bars are tied together by two threaded rods, one on each side of the trays.


I made some straps out of 032 and screwed them to my 430W and the 327:

Thanks guys. I had tried the aluminum bars (I used angles) with threaded rod (i used very long hardware store bolts) but found that either I was clamping the trays too much and squishing them, or it wasn't tight enough and would vibrate loose.
unfortunately the straps won't work for me either, because my ICOM radio tray doesn't have screw holes except for at hte very front and very back...
But actually I just realised a way I can bring a section of angle running lengthwise under the edge of the tray (there is no other tray below it) forward, supported at the wide angle I have riveted to the subpanel. This should provide some support to prevent that 327 tray from sagging.
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side strap

I have an SL40 positioned above a GTX327. Becaquse of their unequal length I used a piece of AA to tie the sides of both radio trays together and then upward to the forward fuselage center brace in my slider 9A.

Here is how I supported the back of my 327:


This picture does not show it, but the top radio is an SL40 that penetrates through a hole in the subpanel. The subpanel is supporting the SL40 so no need to tie into the frame anywhere else as the angle strap is then supporting the 327.
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I have 327 with an SL30 immediately above it, and a GMA 340 above that. I used a vertical strap on the sides like bullojm1 to tie all three, and then another longer 5/8" wide .035 strap that angles downward from the panel to the back of the 327 on the bottom. The resultant triangulation really rigidifies the whole assembly with no sacrifice of weight. I'd post a photo but I'm too lazy to do so this time of night. :eek: