
Legacy Member
Yesterday I spent the entire day working on the plane. Not much went my way and I was a bit frustrated.

Late in the day I ran off to Radio Shack to buy a female DB9 connector for my current project. When I returned home it was just after 9PM and time to pull out the tools to work on the cable I needed.

When I opened the little plastic bag I found the female pins I needed and a male connector, which I didn't need. By this time it was too late to do much about it.

Needless to say I was a bit upset as I had to wait until noon to go back and exchange the part. (Today is Sunday and the store didn't open until then.)

Thus I lost an entire day. :(

The tip is, when buying stuff from the Shack, check the baggie before leaving the store.

How they managed to mix up those to parts is beyond me but it just added to yesterday's frustration.