I haven’t, I did look at it carefully. A problem that some other builders have observed is that if the fuel tank pressurizes a little bit from the vent line while flying the fuel level reading changes drastically.
Thank you Waiex-guy
yes, the vents go through the floor right behind the firewall. they have an steep angle cut on the bottom. I believe the angle faces forward which seems like air would force into them. i wonder if the angle should face to the back. but that may create a slight vacuum.
may someone has a solution.

Has anyone installed the RADIANT FUEL PROBE SYSTEM (pressure transmitter)
(previously Belite) in a RV.
i am currently building a RV-7.


Not on an RV, but we tried on a Onex, worked with it for hours and days, calibrated and recalibrated. Then we finally returned it o Weibe and he sent another one. We then tried that one again and again and again. The calibration process went as it was supposed to but would never agree with the fuel in the tank as it was changed. We scrapped it.

Looks like it may not be worth trying.
Do you use the float level system now

We would up with a princeton capacitive sensor, but be aware it will change calibration if you change fuel type. Had the Radient worked it also would change since the density of Avgas and pump gas are different. Floats are the best way.

Thank you edclee
I think I will stick with the floats.
I have a Dynon HDX system so I can measure fuel flow and usage as well.
I would guess it is good to stick with the old reliable methods.