
Well Known Member
Question...are any of you all who are now building, considering a ROTEC radial engine installation by chance? It seems that that 150 hp engine would be a neat installation in a "3"; and works okay in an "8" but (IMO) could use a bit more power (turbo-normalize, etc.). The Radial Conversions RV-8R builder / owner (search on facebook) is now starting to develop "firewall forward" installation packages for RV's, so check it out if you're interested in a cool sounding a/c.

Doug Lomheim
RV-3A sold
RV-9A Mazda 13B, FWF
I think the Radial -8 is pretty neat - I got to see it long before it flew, and then several times after - butthe firwwall on an -8 is much bigger than on a -3, and even at that, he had to make the firewall bigger. I think such an installation would be a wee bit of a monstrosity Doug - and have less horsepower than the IO-320 we’re flying.....
Radial -6

There's this guy too!



I have a Yak-55. I fly it for the AWESOME aerobatics. It has a radial engine, part of the reason it flies so well.
I have an RV-8 that I built. I would never want it with a radial engine. The airframe was designed for a Lycoming, and silly me...I installed a Mazda Turbo Rotary engine. It added about 5 YEARS to the build time, and about 70 pounds to the plane. The extra 30 horsepower was nice, but 16 flight hours later I realized that 'engine development' is a full time operation. The engine cowl must be removed on almost every flight to inspect EVERYTHING.
I expect a ROTEC or VERNER radial might not require as much inspection, but the airframe mods will take away much of the 'good' of an RV:
-Good visibility over the nose.
-Good speed ratio, low stall speed/high top speed.
-Good proportion - The light weight radial will be mounted too far forward on a long mount.
-Good progress during building - adding YEARS to a build is a big drag, I know.
One RV-3 has an Walter LOM inline 4.
Which looks good. I appreciate different engine configurations, but they should match the airframe. Look at the Boeing P-26 and Grumman Wildcat; great looking radial engine single seaters have round fuselages.
Still, I wouldn't want to discourage a creative builder. Perhaps it would be a winner!
We've been helping Brian at Radial Conversions on some FWF stuff. Quite a few things in development.

Scott in Maui----gotta love it!!!

Make mine a Zero

I Vans made a Zero I would put the Rotec in it and a the ZERO grin, no question. Love the sound of a radial.