Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
My close friend, next door neighbor, and the former manager of Cameron Park airport was murdered in her home on Monday.

I know some of you who flew into O61 had the pleasure of meeting her, during her time here running the airport.

Rachel left the position on Jan 1 of this year, after the birth of her third child, so she could stay home with her kids.


Here is a link to her fathers blog, he now has custody of the children. There is a link here for donations to help with their care, should any one feel like helping out.


R.I.P. Rachel, you will be missed.........
I lost my son in October, just 5 months ago. So I know the pain the family must be feeling and going through. Such a sad, tragic story. My thoughts and prayers are with all of them. Especially the children.

What a very sad story and loss. My thoughts are with her family and with you.

As a former law enforcement officer, I'm thinking of your safety. Was this a random act or someone known to her?

Mike.....what a terrible terrible chain of events.....absolutely unbelievable.

May Heavenly Father Bless those children and their Grandfather in all their days together. Life is just beginning for Mother and Daughter who are now together.

So sorry to hear this Mike.
sad story

Mike, it is hard to believe in Cameron Park something like that happened. What a sad story. It looks like the grandfather has a new calling as parent to these little children. It will help him with the loss of his wife a short time ago and will remind him of her as well.

So sorry to hear this and keep us up to date on how the kids and grandfather are doing.
What a horrible thing for her children to have to grow up dealing with. Hopefully theres good family support to help grandpa raise them.
Oh, Mike. What a horrible tragedy. Grandfather Don has quite the road ahead of him, having lost both his wife and daughter in such short order, and then taking on parenting three young kids. I'm struggling as a single-parent of my youngest two, but at least mine are teenagers. Even for all I've been through, I really can't imagine the pain Don is experiencing.

You too must be shocked and stunned at such events so close to home. Cameron Park has always been one of my little dream spots. It was the first airpark I'd ever seen growing up near there. I'm sad the world has inflicted itself into your paradise.

Thanks to all of you out in VAF land.

Mike----let us know if we can do anything to help.

Tom, thanks so much.

I am doing just fine, my wife is getting over the shock, and starting to get back to her normal self.

As far as helping, a donation to the kids would be wonderful, information is in my first post.

Thanks to all who have offered their prayers, and support.
Terrible Terrible....Just saw this last night on CBS 48hrs.

Hope the granddad and kids are doing as well as possible. Also hope the Airpark family has also gotten passed some of the shock.
What a very sad story and loss. My thoughts are with her family and with you.

As a former law enforcement officer, I'm thinking of your safety. Was this a random act or someone known to her?

From the father's web page....

"...Her husband, Todd Winkler, is in custody..."

Very sad...
This is a very sad story. Mike S lives just down the street. My father built the airpark in the mid 60's. What a great place to live and then this happens. I feel bad for the children and the whole community.