
Well Known Member
This year we've moved the date of our annual fly-in to Saturday, the 11th of November [Veterans Day]. You won't be watching Pro Football that weekend---due to the NFL Veteran's Day boycott [!], so...you might as well fly into Ridgeland Airport [3J1] and enjoy some exciting grass roots flying.

This is your official "one month" notice to put this event on your calendar. Here is our official event description, just to back it up:

"The "Race To Ridgeland" fly-in will occur this year on Veteran's Day, Saturday, 11 November, 2017 with events beginning at 9:00 am. The Race To Ridgeland is free to all attendees and is a traditional county airport/local style fly-in conducted to promote and celebrate grass roots aviation. The "R2R" will feature a light aircraft race, spot landing contest, helicopter candy drop for kids, radio control model aircraft flying, and much more. Food and drink will be available for sale but otherwise, there will be no charge for attending. Regional aircraft owners and pilots are genuinely encouraged to fly in and to participate in any and all of the scheduled events. The public is invited but is of course, advised that children and pets must be kept under full parental control at all times. Scheduled events will be conducted until 3:00 pm but flying and aviation camaraderie will of course continue until the departure of the last aircraft."

Thanks for considering attending...we're going to have a great time!

Great to hear from you Pierre! There have been some changes since you were last in our area; the new airport is well under construction.

Pierre has won trophies a couple of times at the R2R [if memory serves]. Good luck this time to Pierre. Briefing at 0930!

P.S. I think we have a dozen or so signed up for the race already---should be great fun!

I asked Alan Barrett if I'd hurt my engine, running it wide open for 45 minutes. He said, "No way. However, that said, you may want to try and roll the RPMs back to go faster with more 'bite' in the blades."

So on the way over there, I did just that..WOT and my Dynon TAS was around 211MPH at 2700 RPM, so I rollled it back to 2600 and gained 7 MPH! Rolled it back to 2570 and read 218 TAS on the Dynon!

Good, free advice for you CS guys :)
Jesse: Maybes or not, you're certainly welcome and encouraged to come. If you get a minute, send me your make, model, and engine horsepower please. Everyone races against their manufacturer's "official/book" speed. We have a database of over 400 aircraft models, so there's a good chance we'll have yours too.


Jesse: Maybes or not, you're certainly welcome and encouraged to come. If you get a minute, send me your make, model, and engine horsepower please. Everyone races against their manufacturer's "official/book" speed. We have a database of over 400 aircraft models, so there's a good chance we'll have yours too.



I was thinking of being part of the fly-in part, not the racing part. I've got a 1956 Cessna 182.
I'd forgotten my son's birthday is this week and he wants to have friends over this Saturday so I won't be able to make it.

If anyone has an open seat, Tom may be be looking.
The winds were a little tough on a couple of the events but we got everything in nevertheless. Beautiful sunny day otherwise and some great flying. Thanks to every one who made it.

You can't beat this kind of flying!
