
Well Known Member
This past weekend we have participated in the Race for Rhinos 2017. Now this event takes place in the middle of Botswana close to or at Sowa Pans.

This year there were 71 entrants. No less than four all the way from Alaska! This is a two day flat out race with the total race distance of about 630 nautical miles. It is a race based on a handicap system, which means that you get a handicap speed and have to try and beat your handicap speed. No GPS or any other devices allowed and all on board devices disabled. So it is hard navigating using your map, stopwatch and a compass.

Here is a short video. Hope you can view it. My apologies for the one or two F words used by some. Right in the beginning there is a split second shot of me shaving. No power, no GSM signal, no internet and living in two man tents.

There were 8 RVs in the top 10 places. Myself and my navigator (Johan Strydom) achieved 7th place overall with a course speed of 173.81 kts over the two days in our RV10, ZU-RVI (AKA Stimela)

Remember if you miss a checkpoint you are out. Scoring is done by means of the Air Observer loggers carried n every AC. They are manufactured and supplied by yours truly. I will post some pictures.
Looks like you guys and gals had a blast.!

Thanks for posting, great job on the video.

Might have to add this to the bucket list.

Seattle area
Now that was flat out FUN FUN to watch. Just back from South Africa and Botswana... but only got to fly an ultralight over Victoria Falls. Missed having our RV... there.
Cheers and thanks for posting. NC
Wow Jan ! Awesome video !!

That has to be the most fun you can have in two days!

Can you share more about the race ?
Is there a minimal altitude?

Would you also mind sharing more about the " Air Observer loggers".

I would love to see something like this in Australia.

Here is another link to the Pilots Post site and a report from RV7 owner and friend Juri Keyter and Willie Bodenstein.


Then as requested more info about the race.
This is now an annual event, run in June in Botswana a neighbouring state. This was the third Race for Rhinos.

In theory all aircraft has an equal change to win as it is a handicap race. Your handicap is determined from historical data collected over many years, or a test flight for new to the race aircraft.

The winner is simply the aircraft and crew gaining the most time on handicap.

The maps are given blank and one has to plot and prepare your own map. the scale is 1:250,000 and it is a normal topographic map. This year's map was something else.

Usually there is no height restrictions on the route between the turn points. So one can use upper winds if there are any in order to gain time. BUT the heights to cross at the turn points are 0-400 ft AGL and at the finish point usually 200 to 400 ft AGL.

The Air Observer.
Each aircraft gets an Air Observer to carry on board. This is basically a gps logger setup to log raw data at a 1 second interval. After your flight you hand in your logger. It gets downloaded and super imposed on the course for the day. This then calculates your times and speeds as well as any penalties that might apply. More here http://www.tilt-tech.co.za/airObserver.html

How do you fly his race. As hard as possible meaning throttle and pitch fully forward and mixture set for max power. Navigating is difficult as landmarks are scarce. One tends to focus on small landmarks like cut lines (farm fences) roads and rivers and small rural villages. Some times the map data is 20 years old - so suddenly you get a big tar road or a mine with nothing on the map!
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Some pictures

The surrounds

Final approach RWY 10

On the apron. Three weeks ago this was just bush

Tent city on the edge of the pans


Turn point 1 day 1
So cool

Thanks for posting.
Ex Zimbo living in Oz. So good to see!

GREAT VIDEO, Made my heart ache. Was based in Bulawayo many moons ago doing the odd charter to Bots.
Made my evening! Cheers!
Thank you Rob. By the way I also do the yearly Zimbabwe Air Rally. I have done six and my pilot has done 38 ! I could also do something on the Zim Rally of 2017 in another post?
The big tent where everything happens.

Me and my navigator Johan.

The fesh-fesh dust can be a problem :eek:
Jan, Oh man, that looks soooo nice!! Wish I could join you. Maybe next year. Well done on your 7th position. RV's abound!! That video is awesome and pulled real hard on the heart strings!!
Any idea how much money was raised?
Say Hi to the missus!
Thanks for sharing

Now im looking into it big time!!

Bliksem dit lyk lekker!

Any idea of the process of hiring an aircraft for the race, or recommended contacts? Being RV6 builder and owner from Australia?
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Thanks Dorfie. I am not sure but there were several items auctioned and it is also an awareness campaign by Botswana Tourism with spin offs down the line.

There are various flying schools that will rent you a C172 or similar. They will also validate your licence for you.