
Well Known Member
I'm sad to report that Alex Cuellar passed away on Saturday, November 9th, ending his battle with cancer. For those of you who don't remember, Alex and his dad received a "once-in-a-lifetime" trip to Airventure 2012, which was made possible by the incredible generosity of the VAF community. Past threads below:


This past Saturday, his family held a memorial service to celebrate Alex's life. The service was incredibly positive, with various family members and friends reading speeches they had prepared celebrating Alex’s life. There was laughter, tears and much togetherness. Alex’s Civil Air Patrol squadron, after ceremoniously retrieving the colors, led the group outside to a large garden area, in silence. Thanks to the efforts of the Rocky Mountain Renegades, our local RV aerobatic formation group, a missing man formation flyover was conducted in Alex's honor. Even though Alex wasn't active military, his father is, and he was an active Civil Air Patrol Squadron member working towards becoming an Air Force cadet (his dream).

Time on target was 2:30pm. Smoke on, the formation came in from the south. Immediately above the crowd, with all engines purring, “Alex” pulled up vertically, banked and rolled westward, towards the Rocky Mountains, while the rest continued northward. Eventually, the smoke trail died out, but “Alex” continued westward until completely out of sight. It was beautiful and well received by the approximate 200 people in attendance. Many were active or retired military or Civil Air Patrol cadets.


The next day, Alex’s family took some of his ashes to the trailhead in Rocky Mountain National Park where Alex, his father and his grandfather had gone backpacking to celebrate him becoming a man. They said their goodbyes there. He was a good kid and will be missed by many, including me.

Thank you VAF, for making Alex's last year his best year.

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Deeply saddened:(

Thank Mike for the information. I'm saddened beyond words. I had the pleasure of sitting with Alex and his dad at the Van's banquet in 2012. This was so memorable and he was truly inspirational.

Alex, spread those wings and keep all of us safe from above. You are missed.
Missing Man


Thanks for all your help with the missing man formation. I wish I could have attended. I looked through the photos from Airventure 2012 and Alex was so happy and filled with life. No words can express the loss.

I am so glad I had a small part in making his dreams come true.
Oh my gosh...so sad. His AV12 adventure is something I was so proud to have been able to help with.

Tailwinds Alex.
Thank you Mike for making the flyby happen today. I wish I could have been there. Thank you to the pilots that did the missing man formation. Alex was a great kid that I enjoyed meeting. Make sure his parents know how much all of us respected him and his fight for life.

God Speed Alex.
Thanks Rock.

Make sure his parents know how much all of us respected him and his fight for life.

God Speed Alex.

He really was a fighter. Here's a couple stories told during his funeral service:

- Originally the cancer showed up in the form of a brain tumor and rendered his left eye temporarily unusable. After beating the cancer back, he regained his sight in that eye. When the cancer returned elsewhere in his body and he went back to fighting, it eventually rendered his right eye unusable (permanently). Alex's comment at that time was "Hey, at least I've got another eye."
- When watching a story about Mike Tyson, and shortly after, getting a sharpie-marker face tattoo similar to the one Mike Tyson has, Alex said, "Mike Tyson never had to battle Cancer... what a wuss!"
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Good idea.

Good suggestion on the address Bob. I never met Alex or his family, but this type of sadness is universal and I'm sure many of us would like to send condolences to the family.

For those who would like to send their condolences, the Cuellar's address is 6068 South Locust Circle, Centennial, CO 80111. I'm sure they'd be well received.

I was at Oshkosh 2012 for the first time and stayed at the Oshkosh Christian School in the same room with Alex and his father. I was so fortunate to spend time with both of them and share the same passion with them. I'm also a military man myself so it was nice to talk to them a little about the Canadian Air Force. Alex sure was a special person and I was truely touched by his enthusiam about his passion for life.

My deepest condolences to his family and friends.
Blue skies my friend.
Memorial Wall Plaque

Great idea, Bob. I'm in. What does the wall memorial run?


I believe the cost is $350. I'm checking with the family to see if they are interested in memorializing him there. I would think they'd want to be present, so if they can't attend (i.e. no PTO from work, seeing as they've spent all their time in the hospital), they may choose to do this at a later time. It's a great sentiment though. Stay tuned.

The Memorial Wall is a great idea. To expand, how about airfare for the parents as well. It would not take much effort at $20-25 per member to put this all together. Maybe a hotel room as well. What do you think VAF members? I'm in for anything.
My condolences

This news really saddens me, hurts my heart, for us that have children it's an unimaginable reality. My condolences to the family and friends.


Blue skies Alex.
Alex's Family Wishes

I talked with Alex's father today, and he thanks you all for the kind words and offers to donate on Alex's behalf. While a memorial plaque for Alex is something they have considered and may do in the future, for now they ask that you instead make a donation to help other kids with cancer. Apparently, while there are lots of donations made each year to fight cancer, pediatric oncology (kid's cancer) is something that isn't well funded. If you are interested in making a donation on behalf of Alex and his family, please go to the following link.

Be sure to click "help kids with cancer" in the drop-down menu. Again, they want everyone to know how thankful they are for everything that was done for Alex while he was alive. I want to thank you all too. You certainly lived up to my expectations. Please remember to continue that spirit in your own communities, for other deserving people...
Thanks Mike. The link was very easy to use and make a donation. I agree - a memorial sign is one thing, but giving money that actually helps some other kid and their family, that is the way to go.

Thanks again. See you next time I am in Denver!