

I enlarged R-704 to 3/8" with a unibit in my drill but apparently not centered well enough: I ended up with only about 1/32" of material left on the edge of the flange. I know it wasn't centered because I had to file some more material off in order for the rod end bearing to not interfere with the hole when the platenut was attached.


Anyone else run into this problem? This is where the platenut attaches to the flange. I'm not sure if the stresses here would cause that material to break, and if it did break, if it would cause problems.

On a happier note, I also hacked up my R-710 and now have edge distance problems (5/32") on two of the holes. So at least I have that going for me!

I will ask Van's the same questions, but I have a feeling I already know the answer: "Build On!" Where to draw the line?!


Nate Garrett