Well Known Member
drmax sent me a pm requesting my opinion of the QT Halo headsets and his pm box is full and will not accept a reply so I will post a pirep here and everyone can read.
I love my GT Halo's and use them almost exclusively. Although they have no ANR circuitry, they are actually quieter than my Zulu's in flight. I am flying my C-152 until my -10 is done. I usually only use my Zulu's on a quick flight or let the passenger wear them. I do love the bluetooth function of the Zulu's so so thats a trade off. The trick to using the Halo's is to really squeeze down the foam inserts and quickly insert the squished ear foam pieces deep into the ear so they expand and seal out any outside noise. They are extreemly comfortable to wear on long flights and I don't get the headache from the squeezing pressure traditional headsets give. They are great for wearing hats as the hat does not interfere and goes right over the support wire. I purchased mine at Oshkosh at QT's booth and there was a discount at the time. He had a demo set-up and when I tried them out, I was sold. Good price, quieter that my Zulu's, more comfortable. If you don't have a audio input jack, one can be installed in your -9 in little time probably. Try it. If you don't like them you can sell them here and only take a small $ loss. Good luck.
head size matters

I fly with the Clarity Aloft. I lent them to a friend but he was not able to use them because they were not large enough to fit his head.

He bought the Halo is is very happy.
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I haven't flown in an RV with my Halo, but in the club 172 and 182 they're plenty quiet. Much quieter and clearer than my DCs, and a while lot more comfortable. I just have to watch not to snag the cable with my foot getting out of the plane. I like 'em, and so does my wife.
I fly with the Clarity Aloft. I lent them to a friend but he was not able to sue them because they were not large enough to fit his head...

I just posted than removed a message that I had the same problem with my Clarity Alofts. I tried to use them last weekend for the first time and couldn't figure out any way to make them work. After posting the message, I decided it was time to do something about it. I went to the Clarity Aloft page and saw that the band goes behind the neck, not over the head. Oh, that works. If all else fails, read the directions. Hah!

I bought myself and my wife a set of Halos two years ago.
We have never looked back. The only time i ever use the older head clamps is for passengers or if I am just taxing at our controlled field over to the pumps.

Only suggestion is to have a couple spare ear foams and a spare mic foam within reach. When cold, your all bulked up with stuff and reaching around and its cold ... when one falls off....good luck finding it.

The wife absolutely loves them, she could be their poster girl. Doesnt even mess her hair!
I agree. Just been using mine for about a month now and so much better than my David Clarks that I had convered to ANR. There's a good thread about DIY replacement earbuds so there's really no ongoing cost. I'm in the process of making some of my own softer earplugs for cold temps. The stock ones tend to be too firm to expand well in cold temps. I've also found that a warm/hot water bath will clean and rejuvenate used plugs that have begun to take a permanent shape.

I've been flying with mine for 5 years now, absolutely love them. Flew recently with a friend in his plane, he provided a set of Bose X, I wish I had my Halo's, a lot more comfortable and every bit as quiet if not quieter, I much prefer the Halo's.
I know I won't go back to a headvice headset.
I agree. Just been using mine for about a month now and so much better than my David Clarks that I had convered to ANR. There's a good thread about DIY replacement earbuds so there's really no ongoing cost. I'm in the process of making some of my own softer earplugs for cold temps. The stock ones tend to be too firm to expand well in cold temps. I've also found that a warm/hot water bath will clean and rejuvenate used plugs that have begun to take a permanent shape.
Reading through all these replies and I'm convinced to go this direction. I think they have a 45 return policy. Also grinning about your comment on the warm water bath. I guess in a pinch, you could pop them in your mouth :D I'll give them a call, and order up a set.
different earbuds

Part of my issue with intercom, is having a matched set of headsets. Some questions...
I need independent volume control on the unit...I'm assuming it has this.

Also, I will not be wanting to spread ear wax from one to another. I imagine the tips are quick to change. My question...do they offer different sizes? My daughter and wife have smaller ear canals. Wife will not stick anything in her ear that is not comfortable. Very picky about this, as I guess anyone would be.
Thx, DM
Part of my issue with intercom, is having a matched set of headsets. Some questions...
I need independent volume control on the unit...I'm assuming it has this.

Also, I will not be wanting to spread ear wax from one to another. I imagine the tips are quick to change. My question...do they offer different sizes? My daughter and wife have smaller ear canals. Wife will not stick anything in her ear that is not comfortable. Very picky about this, as I guess anyone would be.
Thx, DM

They have three types of tips: Large foam, small foam, and rubber. I use the rubber; they're quiet enough (for me in my -7) and quicker to get in and out than the foam. Everyone has different ears, so the rubber ones might not work as well for everyone. The only reason I've replaced any rubber ones is that I lost one....they're easy to clean.

Halos do have a volume control.

I will say there is a small adjustment period. If you have used and liked your head clamps, the first flight with halos is "different" It takes a bit to get used to. They are super easy to use, no issue but to get the foam to go in your ears quickly, seal off well and then adjust to the odd feeling you are missing something is a bit wierd.

Just letting you know.
I will say there is a small adjustment period. If you have used and liked your head clamps, the first flight with halos is "different" It takes a bit to get used to. They are super easy to use, no issue but to get the foam to go in your ears quickly, seal off well and then adjust to the odd feeling you are missing something is a bit wierd.

Just letting you know.
I use yellow earplugs every night at my work around jets, so I am used to this going in my ears. I don know that over a periord of about a week, this plug (squishy foam) looses its squish and I throw away. Just saying....$1.50 a week would quickly rise to the cost of a good clamping style headset.
(unless of course these plugs are of a somewhat higher grade of foam)
Perhaps washing them would give them back there original state, but doubt it.
I use yellow earplugs every night at my work around jets, so I am used to this going in my ears. I don know that over a periord of about a week, this plug (squishy foam) looses its squish and I throw away. Just saying....$1.50 a week would quickly rise to the cost of a good clamping style headset.
(unless of course these plugs are of a somewhat higher grade of foam)
Perhaps washing them would give them back there original state, but doubt it.

Read this thread on DIY Halo earplugs: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=23829&highlight=halo+earplug

I love my Halo. For short flights around the patch I use my old ANR headvice, just because all the guys I fly with do, and it's just easier to put on than insert earplugs. But for any flight over about 20 minutes, I use the Halo.
I use yellow earplugs every night at my work around jets, so I am used to this going in my ears. I don know that over a periord of about a week, this plug (squishy foam) looses its squish and I throw away. Just saying....$1.50 a week would quickly rise to the cost of a good clamping style headset.
(unless of course these plugs are of a somewhat higher grade of foam)
Perhaps washing them would give them back there original state, but doubt it.

I get at least 10 flights or more from a set of ear plugs so for me the costs of the replacements is very negligible. Some folks go to an ENT specialist and have custom molded ear inserts made that fit the individuals ear perfectly,,,,or just roll your own for pennies.;) I don't think you will be disappointed and you rarely see any used ones for sale here and if they do pop up, someone snaps it up pretty quickly.
The wifey and me have used our Halo's since 2008 and we love them!

She had never had plugs in her ears before, but after a couple of flights, she got used to it.

At first she used the pink foamplugs, but changed to the yellow ones.
I started with the yellow ones and changed to rubber.
We are both very happy Halo-users now.

At one time I destroyed the mike-wire (my own fault) but the company sent me a new one for free! Not bad at all considering the shipping-cost to Norway!

Halo's is the way to go (or schould I say; "the way to FLY...") for us.:)

For the price...the speaker and ear spks' must be something special?
I mean, this is not just a regular ole mic like whats on my old d/c's or pilot headset?

I guess i understand hearing aid speakers and must be pretty good.

I would still think there'd be better noise reduction with a cupped ear. Also, like taking the sound and
putting it in an ear shell (regular style headset)....you'd think would create a better sound.
(just me and my speculations)

Most everyone is saying they're better than Zulu's or Bose? Gotta be better equiptment, right? The price surely isn't because of the dainty hangar it's all molded to, right? Is there some technological reading on either of these important items? I will do a little more reading before I drop $720. Thx for all the input and links.
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Clarity and blue tooth link

Is there a seperate device, like what Clarity offers, to have the blue tooth capabilities? I don't really care about it, but my passengers will. Wife would like to have the option to make a call out on the phone, or pair up the ipad to headset to listen to music. I'll look around....
I don know that over a periord of about a week, this plug (squishy foam) looses its squish and I throw away. Just saying....$1.50 a week would quickly rise to the cost of a good clamping style headset.

Even if you spent the $1.50 per week on new tips, that's only $78/year. Lightspeed Zulu's are $900, Halo's are $359. That's a difference of $541, or 6.9 years of weekly tip replacements. And that's not considering the AA batteries that would need to be replaced in the Zulus.
Even if you spent the $1.50 per week on new tips, that's only $78/year. Lightspeed Zulu's are $900, Halo's are $359. That's a difference of $541, or 6.9 years of weekly tip replacements. And that's not considering the AA batteries that would need to be replaced in the Zulus.

I have used Lightspeed ( Many Hrs) Bose X, Telex ANR, David Clark ANR prior to trying the Halo's and Clarity aloft at OSH.

I liked the feel of the Halo's along with my wifes choice. We both love them.

Excellent customer service.

Excellent noise reduction

Excellent comfort

Excellent value
There is one volume control for both sides -- so you can't adjust each side individually. But yes, there's a volume control on the QT Halos.
I have used mine for over five years and love them. I have had to use Customer Service, and it was quick and free! They donated a two sets for Eagle's Nest One, and a number of people have tried them in the RV-12. No complaints so far. I think you would be hard pressed to find a better all-around headset.

There is one volume control for both sides -- so you can't adjust each side individually. But yes, there's a volume control on the QT Halos.
I don't understand your statement...you say there is control for "both" sides, then turn around and say you "can't" adjust each side individually.
Which is it?
I have used mine for over five years and love them. I have had to use Customer Service, and it was quick and free! They donated a two sets for Eagle's Nest One, and a number of people have tried them in the RV-12. No complaints so far. I think you would be hard pressed to find a better all-around headset.

Hey Bob...I need to fly down from II87 and meet up with you again. I talked with Phil (inventor of Halo) for maybe 15 minutes just now. Sounds like the sort I'd like to deal with. I didn't know he was an MD. So he really knows his stuff with his invention. Hope to see you sometime soon. DM
I don't understand your statement...you say there is control for "both" sides, then turn around and say you "can't" adjust each side individually.
Which is it?
Didn't mean to be unclear. There is ONE volume control. It controls BOTH sides. That's why you can't adjust the two sides independently, there is only ONE volume control that adjusts the volume for BOTH sides.

That's not the same as one volume control for each side, which would be two volume controls total. There's only one.

Does that help?
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CA is the choice

Have had Halos. Still own Clarity Alofts. The CA's are far superior in every way. Having said that, I fly the majority of the time with my ZULU's.
My $.02
I don't understand your statement...you say there is control for "both" sides, then turn around and say you "can't" adjust each side individually.
Which is it?
He simply means there's one volume control per headset. You can't adjust the left ear differently than the right ear. However, I can't see where that would be an issue unless you have uncorrected hearing loss in one ear.
Hey Bob...I need to fly down from II87 and meet up with you again. I talked with Phil (inventor of Halo) for maybe 15 minutes just now. Sounds like the sort I'd like to deal with. I didn't know he was an MD. So he really knows his stuff with his invention. Hope to see you sometime soon. DM

Well, as of yesterday anyway, OVO hadn't moved. Fly on down! Eagle's Nest Two is about to go on its gear.

Phil is a really great guy, besides being an inventor. He really understands what a pilot needs/wants, and tries hard to provide it.

Well, as of yesterday anyway, OVO hadn't moved. Fly on down! Eagle's Nest Two is about to go on its gear.

Phil is a really great guy, besides being an inventor. He really understands what a pilot needs/wants, and tries hard to provide it.

will try to make it over this sunday afternoon.
Is anybody aware of any side-by-side comparison of Hulu and CA?
Hate to say this...uh but I searched the heck outta it the last couple days and there are some reports...just have to google it. "IF" the Clarity were that much better, for the $160 more, it may be worth it...but someone also mentioned the earplug were more specific at around $5 a pop. If I could not make my own plug for the Clarity....then there is NO WAY I'd go that option...as the foam plugs will get dirty, will wear out and get lost...what have you. That is what I would be looking at...if I were you or anyone.
I have worn CEPs in the military under an HGU/56 for over 10 years (same tips used by the CA), wear the same tips under my motorcycle helmet to listen to MP3s, and use the CA in the RV. All I can say, is that IMO, if you are making a decision on using the headset based on having to replace the tips, you are seriously splitting hairs.

I have used these tips on multiple 12-15 month deployments flying every/every other day, several hours a day. I would use them for a LONG time before replacing them. They would get dirty, but would have no degradation in performance. The foam earplugs that someone mentioned earlier fairly quickly wear out and poorly seal your canal - not so with these tips.

Honestly, when on deployments, I would only replace them when they were so dirty they would feel gritty while inserting:eek: still no degradation in performance and felt fine when inserted - just looked disgusting:D

I've used my current tips on my CAs for about 50 flight hours - resting on the glare shield between flights. They are just hinting at showing the slightest bit of dirt and I'm nowhere near replacing them.

The best tip I offer is for preflight - I always use an old set of flight gloves for preflight/refuel, as the worst thing for longevity is to preflight, then grab the plugs for insertion.

I have no experience with the Halos, so I cannot compare, but the CA canal tips have such good attenuation, I would seriously hesitate "crafting" my own to save what amounts to cents/week.
I have worn CEPs in the military under an HGU/56 for over 10 years (same tips used by the CA), wear the same tips under my motorcycle helmet to listen to MP3s, and use the CA in the RV. All I can say, is that IMO, if you are making a decision on using the headset based on having to replace the tips, you are seriously splitting hairs.

I have used these tips on multiple 12-15 month deployments flying every/every other day, several hours a day. I would use them for a LONG time before replacing them. They would get dirty, but would have no degradation in performance. The foam earplugs that someone mentioned earlier fairly quickly wear out and poorly seal your canal - not so with these tips.

Honestly, when on deployments, I would only replace them when they were so dirty they would feel gritty while inserting:eek: still no degradation in performance and felt fine when inserted - just looked disgusting:D

I've used my current tips on my CAs for about 50 flight hours - resting on the glare shield between flights. They are just hinting at showing the slightest bit of dirt and I'm nowhere near replacing them.

The best tip I offer is for preflight - I always use an old set of flight gloves for preflight/refuel, as the worst thing for longevity is to preflight, then grab the plugs for insertion.

I have no experience with the Halos, so I cannot compare, but the CA canal tips have such good attenuation, I would seriously hesitate "crafting" my own to save what amounts to cents/week.
Good report...on the ear tips. I wear mine at work for weeks....yeah, nasty but hey, I'm just a boy! Interesting report. Now I'm wonder what is the difference between the 2? Both are hearing aid speakers...I think? Phil told me on the Halo...nothing special about the mic. Is the Clarity wired, or the hearing tubes? More research, I guess.
CA speakers are wired. No info on the mic, but no issues with mine at all. The fact that the audio is in your ear canal, and the earplugs attenuate so much noise really helps with the quality of the audio. I have the latest Bose headset and haven't touched them since picking up the CAs. Passengers now get a really nice headset!
Is anybody aware of any side-by-side comparison of Hulu and CA?

I think that the Cards (Scott and Tanya) own both types Bob - and I also think one likes one, and the other likes the other...but you might check with them.

We love our Halos (we have five of them because we have five RV seats right now...), but I haven't flown with the Clarity, so I have no basis to compare.
The problem I had with clarity was that I could not here myself talk. Is this the same for the halo ?
Interesting, I have side-tone. Must have been defective...maybe the plug..?
I had to turn up my radio sidetone a bit compared to when I was using a David Clark headset. Easy to do since it's in the menu system of my Icom A210. Now I can hear myself just fine. Might want to give that a shot. Hope this helps.
CA speakers are wired. No info on the mic, but no issues with mine at all. The fact that the audio is in your ear canal, and the earplugs attenuate so much noise really helps with the quality of the audio. I have the latest Bose headset and haven't touched them since picking up the CAs. Passengers now get a really nice headset!
Info on the Clarity...http://www.clarityaloft.com/expertise.htm

I'm not understanding something about the Halo...apparently there is "no" wiring to the ear canal spks...rather a sound tube. (how does this work?) Also there is no particular specs on Halo's spks nor mic, as is Clarity. (i listed above) The Claritys could very well be a better product. We need a side by side comparison. If they were better, I wouldn't care about the wiring issue, as in Halo's remark "no wiring to break". Also, the ear foam tips are the same, as in they screw on...so they can be fabricated as one other person here showed a link for.
I used both CA and Halo. In 'real world usage' I never found a difference between the two from a quality point of view. I am am very picky about audio quality.
So I stick to the Halo's. The Halo is cheaper and comes with superior (very) friendly customer service. You get the VIP treatment every time.

Only time I use DC/Bose etc is when I use passive DC+Halo at the same time for maximum hearing protection (radial etc).

Foam gets replaced every 50h or so. Thats only a few bucks every year.
Only issue is in sub zero temps the foam doesn't extend as well. I bring the headset inside or give them a extra minute to expand if I forget it.
I used both CA and Halo. In 'real world usage' I never found a difference between the two from a quality point of view. I am am very picky about audio quality.
So I stick to the Halo's. The Halo is cheaper and comes with superior (very) friendly customer service. You get the VIP treatment every time.

Only time I use DC/Bose etc is when I use passive DC+Halo at the same time for maximum hearing protection (radial etc).

Foam gets replaced every 50h or so. Thats only a few bucks every year.
Only issue is in sub zero temps the foam doesn't extend as well. I bring the headset inside or give them a extra minute to expand if I forget it.
Good report. I like you stated "your picky". That tells alot, as it if there were a difference...you state it! (i'm picky as well...:) ) You may have made my decision.
I'm not understanding something about the Halo...apparently there is "no" wiring to the ear canal spks...rather a sound tube. (how does this work?)
Quite well! The speakers are tiny little cubes attached to the band, and there are very small diameter silicone tubes running to the ear pieces. They sound very good -- I just flew last night with them. I almost felt bad for giving my brother in law the DC headset. Almost.

I'm really picky, too. I also sometimes have a hard time understanding ATC and other pilots' radio calls, or at least I used to. The Halos seem to have a wider audio response and they certainly sound clearer than the head clamps. Plenty of volume, too - you can really crank them up if you need to. Don't get me wrong, I liked the Clarks, but the Halos were definitely a step up.
my report

I borrowed a set of Halo's for about 60 miles. Granted it was cold...maybe 40 degrees and the tips had been worn some...I thought the sound was mumbly on the lower frew's. About 20 miles into flt, I stuck my old faithful Pilot brand non anr's back on, and there was immediate silence. I think for me and my type of flying, I'll stick the old fashioned method and get a matching set of either passive or cheaper anr's....most likely being passive.
Thx Bob for the borrow and I'll be flying these back to you the next vfr weekend. DM