
Well Known Member
The following was sent via email to QB customers with kits on order and applies only to kits ordered before the price change on December 15th, 2021.

You may have seen news recently about the substantially increased costs of overseas container shipping. Van's Aircraft utilizes container-ship transportation services when moving parts to, and assembled kits from, our contract QuickBuild assembly centers in the Philippines and Brazil. Due to ongoing and significant increases in these costs over the past several months (our shipping cost per QB kit has increased by more than $2000), Van's has determined that for kits shipped on or after January 10, 2022 we must assess a $375 transportation surcharge for QuickBuild kits that were ordered prior to December 15th, 2021. This surcharge represents a small portion of our increased shipping costs and will be collected at the same time as final payment for the kit. More details are available at this link.

In addition, for a period of time in 2021 customers ordering QuickBuild kits were not required to immediately submit the standard 25% deposit when their orders were placed. Van's will be collecting the kit deposits from those customers now that an estimated delivery timeframe for QB kits on order has been determined.

Unfortunately, we’ve also been experiencing delays on top of the extreme price increases. We work to get parts and kits shipped as quickly as possible, but container ship space availability is difficult to count on in terms of schedule. Whenever changes happen during the QB lifecycle that affect timelines for QB kit deliveries, we will update our Kit Tracking web site with that information.

We’ve posted a more detailed message on our web site, which you can read by clicking here.

Thank you for your support and understanding. These are complicated and difficult times, and we’re working hard to get kits built and delivered despite the “turbulence” affecting the world and business right now.

- The Van’s Aircraft Team