
Well Known Member
I'm close to finished on my quickbuild wings. The manual gave a few tips on what was left to do.

The manual says nothing about what's left to do on the fuselage. Where's a good place to start?

starting quick build fuse

start on the fuse section on the manual and check off each item and see whats been done and what needs doing.. go down the check list.. but don't put the forward skin on till the wiring is done period.. I have
been under there doing wiring and its a bad place to
spend a few weeks when you can prevent it.. :)
1st thing I would do its wiring , static tubing preplan
pannel ideas, and sub pannel, firewall passthrough's and wire everything to termial strips on the subpannel., labeled.. then I did the control tubing and rudder cables and pedals.. if its an A model mount the gear stuff to the spar, and run the fuel tubing and brake lines and tank vents .. the list goes on in on, just check them off and put the dates so if your not keep up with the documentation you can go back and do it later.. take pictures and include yourself in them..

ask alot of questions

Thanks, Danny.

Wiring already, eh?

I've been going through the manual at home, but since I didn't build any of the quickbuild fuselage, the part numbers don't mean much. So I don't know what they did and didn't do. It looks like they did almost everything.

QB fuse

It takes time, but it is highly recommended to go through the stuff that has already been done just to become more familiar with the fuselage. The plans and the instructions together will help you identify parts.

Basically, what I did was run the rudder cables, put in the floors, the seats, remove everything I just put in, landing gear, paint the interior, and then start on the wiring. If you go here, and start from the end and work your way forward, you can see most of what I did:
QB fuse starting pt.

Hi Craig,

I'll throw in here as well...

I have a 7A and did the slow wings and QB fuse. My canopy is a tip - up. Danny hits it right on the head about the sub panel area.

Plan your wiring and other tubing runs well using other people's sites and match that to your equipment choices. If you are following 'Lectric Bob's wiring schematics make sure you plan for your fuse block holders to be accessible, etc.

Depending on your canopy choice, the front fuse sub panel area can be an easy place to access for future mods and adjustments or a lesson in "stand on your head acrobatics." (even with front access panels) I've spent a considerable amount of time on my head because of my fuse block mounting choice location and election to not go with the canopy release system. It is a clean set-up but I could have done a few things a bit differently (read improvement).

Plan your fuse wiring runs carefully to consider things like, remote compass, GPS ant, comm and transponder ant, what kind of strobe power supply, etc. Draw the runs out and re-think them with a few buddies in the hangar. You'll be glad you planned it out later.

Jeff - 7A in paint shop - 120hrs
As was said, go through the manual as if building a standard kit.

Right away on the first page, you will probably find that a brake line bracket still needs to be installed on the firewall, you'll probably have to make the angle piece that goes at the bottom of the recess opening in the firewall, and you will likely have to fabricate and install the doubler for the fuel pump on the firewall.

You will HAVE to go through each step if you want to have any hope of catching these kinds of things that were left undone because they were only considered to be details not necessary for building the "main" part of the QB fuse.
I didn't mention that I am building an RV-8.

Thanks for the replies. I'm going through the manual now.
