
Well Known Member
A question to quickbuilders out there...

I'm riveting the F-705 doublers to the bulkhead. I noticed that my fuselage came with the F-705G angle temporarily installed with pop rivets. That's a tip-up-canopy-only part, so I'll drill them out. I must also remove the F-757 plate, to add a radius to it. Now, the heart of the matter.

Some of the rivets that join the side channels (F-705D) to the top (F-705F) and the double (F-705E) are almost impossible to get to. They're in the "crook" of the F-721B aft canopy deck.

How do you buck them? Or do you just replace them with pulled rivets?

Thanks and Happy New Year,
I made a bucking bar from a large bolt-1/2 or 5/8". grind the end down to fit into the area you're bucking. Worked for me.

Alpharetta, GA
What about cutting the F-721B

Has anybody just cut the flanges off of the back end of the F-721B Aft Canopy Deck? It seems to me that it's totally unsupported back there and probably adds little or no strength or stiffness to the fuselage. It ends at the forward face of the F-705 bulkhead, where it just attachment.

Your "roll your own" bucking bar idea certainly sounds less harmful, thanks!

I (and another local 7QB builder) used 1 pulled rivet per side for that rascal "inside"the channel.
Rivet type ?

Jekyll said:
I (and another local 7QB builder) used 1 pulled rivet per side for that rascal "inside"the channel.

Hi, Do you remember which type of blind/pulled rivet you used here and had Van's Tech support Okay'd it ?

Hey Martin, could you post a pic of the 705G bracket?

I just got done making mine and I think it came out pretty good, but I want to calibrate the quality of my manufacturing ability to that of the QB supplied stuff.

I am interested in seeing how smooth the oval hole in the center is.


:) CJ
705G bracket

Captain_John said:
Hey Martin, could you post a pic of the 705G bracket?

I just got done making mine and I think it came out pretty good, but I want to calibrate the quality of my manufacturing ability to that of the QB supplied stuff.

I am interested in seeing how smooth the oval hole in the center is

:) CJ

Hi CJ,

I can send you a e-mail with a photo of mine from my 7A QB Slider, just send me a PM with your e-mail....(it doesn't look like I can add attachments at the moment) or if anyone wants them they are welcome to have them...BUT shipping from Europe might be just a little expensive....

Rgds David
I think it's this

Captain_John said:
Hey Martin, could you post a pic of the 705G bracket?

I just got done making mine and I think it came out pretty good, but I want to calibrate the quality of my manufacturing ability to that of the QB supplied stuff.

I am interested in seeing how smooth the oval hole in the center is.


:) CJ


I'm at work, and don't have the drawings here, and don't remember what 705G is anymore! I hope the photos on that page help. If not, send me an email and I'll reply with photographs of what you actually wanted.
Some of the other solutions sound like they may be quicker and easier but after much agonizing I ended up drilling out the rivets and removing the aft canopy decks to get good access to those rivets. All in all it really only took about an hour to remove and replace the decks.

705G bracket photo

Captain_John said:
Hey Martin, could you post a pic of the 705G bracket?

I just got done making mine and I think it came out pretty good, but I want to calibrate the quality of my manufacturing ability to that of the QB supplied stuff.

I am interested in seeing how smooth the oval hole in the center is.


:) CJ
I know that it was a little while ago but here is a pic of the bracket that came with my QB

Hope this helps (1st attempt at incl. pics in forums)

After struggling, and finally getting the F-705G angle riveted in to my satisfaction, I read ?Quick Builders, Remove F-705G bracket for sliding canopy? Well, heck, it was in bold print, no wonder I missed it, so anyway my question is, Can I leave it in? Or is this something that will show up later and make its self clear as to why I should have removed it?

Thanks for any insight,