
So as i understand it, the Empennage of the quickbuild is not really put together for you. So I was thinking about getting the standard Empennage kit now and getting started on that, while I save up my funds for buying the QB kit come Nov-Dec. If I order the Empennage, do you think I could order a QB kit minus the Epannage and get the QB kit prorated for not including the Empennage?

Disregard, I just looked at the QB order form, the Empannage is actually separate from the QB wings and fuselage...
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Unless Vans has changed their philosophy with the -14, they have always sold the individual sub-kits separately. So your answer is "yes"; you buy the tail cone kit (not available Quick Build); then order fuselage kit, wing kit (either slow build or QB, for one or both); then finish kit (slow build only); etc. Prices can and do change every year, usually around Feb 1.

So as i understand it, the Epannage of the quickbuild is not really put together for you. So I was thinking about getting the standard Epannage kit now and getting started on that, while I save up my funds for buying the QB kit come Nov-Dec. If I order the Epannage, do you think I could order a QB kit minus the Epannage and get the QB kit prorated for not including the Pannage?

Disregard, I just looked at the QB order form, the Epannage is actually separate from the QB wings and fuselage...

Welcome Paul.
Also, no kits are built for you. Pre-punched yes, but you still have to debur, dimple and rivet.
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Yes poor choice of words, QB kits are partially assembled. Yep got it, regardless of what kit I order for the wing and fuselage, the Epannage is not included and is a separate order.

Now the hard decision... to tailwheel or not to tailwheel..(got my PPL in a citabria, so I'm kinda partial to the little wheel in the back).

Thank for the welcome Larry, been a lurker for years.. like 7 years or sooo.