
Active Member
I bought a used kit and have started on the rudder as the vs is already done. My question is I can not figure out on the plans were it says what size rivet to use to hold the counterbalance rib on. I see all the other rivet sizes on the plans, but I think an470ad4-5 rivet would be to long. Should I just use some commen sence here?
I don't see the callout on the plans either. AN470AD4-4 is my best guess for the rivets that attach R-902 to R-912. The rivet should be of a length to stick out 1.5 times the diameter of the rivet shank (3/16 of an inch) prior to riveting. See Van's builder's manual page 5-22.
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Thank you guys for the quick response. It is nice to be able to ask other builders what they did and to get a quick response. I am sure I will have a lot more questions as I am just starting to build.
Looking at the preview plans ....

It looks like AN470AD4-4 for both (E-704 Counterbalance Rib to E-702 Spar, bottom center of DWG 5) and (E-703 End Rib to E-704, top right of DWG 5 View F-F).

Takes this with a grain of salt, all I have are the preview plans at this point (still waiting to attend the Sport Air workshop later this summer before I order).

There it is

Well, fast forward to March 2016 and I was looking for the rivet callout and found the answer here. Much appreciated!
