
I have left several post on the forum and have had zero response. Pretty simple questions like looking for an avionics shop any recomendations. I saw another post today ask the same question and had multiple responses. My dues are payed up I'm not on here freeloading. Am I missing something.
I apologize if my rant PO anyone. Jerry
I seriously doubt that you are being ignored. It might just be that nobody has a good reference for your question. I'm not familiar with SoCal so I'm no help either.
Or it might be that the question was asked at a time when traffic, for whatever reason, happened to be relatively low.

Sorry for no reply

All jokes aside, Sometimes I get no response to my questions either, depending on when I posted. The weekends tend to be hit or miss because the guys in the know may not be looking at the site enough. Also the way the site is structured, if there are a lot of responses, ones question may get pushed down the page and be missed.

Please dont take it personally, we like all people and things aviaiton.

Lastly, I think most homebuilders do there own avionics to save costs. And those who dont, probably cant afford to live in So Cal anyway. I say this in jest, but I have found professional recommendations on this site for socal are not very frequent, for whatever reason.

Now if you ask about a building question, the experts on this site are wonderfully helpful.
In response, and for what it's worth, Green Mountain Avionics in Middlebury, VT is a great shop!