
Ok, I have been reading for about 6 months. I was thinking about buying a flying RV, but then came across an unfinished 6A-QB kit. Looked like a good deal so I picked it up. I'm just trying to decide on where to pickup from where the previous owner left off. Lots left to do. :eek: Actually looking forward to the learning process. :)

I'm based at Falcon Field (FFZ) in Mesa, Arizona.
Starting in the middle of a project like that, I would seriously consider a training course like Synergy (link at right) or one of the others. Also meet & greet the folks at your local EAA chapter - there are bound to be some RV builders and tech advisors that can clue you in to what you're getting into. Most importantly, do it right or do it over.
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Thanks Johnny,

I have meet a few of the local RV guys and the Tech Advisor I'm using knows this plane and the previous builder. He has inspected it once and I will continue to have him inspect the progress. Important points, thanks.
