
Well Known Member
Am away from home with no access to charts. Can someone tell me what fuel flow I should see at takeoff for a 160-hp O-320-D2a at 1700msl and 60f oat? Thanks for any help.
12 seems too low for WOT, full rich, those conditions. There are threads discussing this at length on these forums, no time right now to search...
Fuel flow will follow rpm, so it depends on prop pitch.
Higher pitch = lower rpm = lower the fuel flow.
IO-320 D3G fuel flow.

I see 16-17 GPH. WOT, Sea level, Boost pp ON, 2680 RPM. EGT's level off around 1330.
Thanks. I'm seeing 11.8 gph average on takeoff during my first 800 feet of climb when starting at 1700 msl, and 12.5 gph for my first 800 feet of climb when starting at 700 msl (2 typical airports I fly out of, separated by 1000' o elevation). It varies slightly with OAT, but those are the averages. In other threads many of you have helped me track down possibilities for high temps, but I'm starting to default to too little fuel.

Anyway, thanks for the help while I'm away.