Well Known Member
The outboard end of the wing skin comes trimmed to two different lengths. The outboard skins will have to be the same length in order for them to mate with the fiberglass wingtip. Why would the factory have made these skins like this? What am I missing here? EXPLANATION?

Bill Newkirk
Quick built RV3B wings

Mine too. There is not enough skin overhang in order to fit into the fiberglass wing tip jog properly, and almost nothing that would allow any trimming.
I think the outboard wing ribs are incorrectly located about 5/8" too far out, just about the rib width. This would also explain the problem with the ailerons not fitting the aileron brackets.:mad:
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....This would also explain the problem with the ailerons not fitting the aileron brackets.:mad:

Actually, at least for our wings, the aileron INNER brackets were in the wrong place relative to the root rib, which is why our aileron fit was wrong.

I figure that the RV-3B QB wings are really custom built to order, and they don't have the experience to fine-tune their production process...

You may be correct about the rib location where the inner aileron bracket is supposed to fit, if I can recall? we seemed to have an issue there as well. Never the less, our wing skins did not have enough extra skin outboard of the end rib to allow us to fit the wing tips as we should have.

You may be correct about the rib location where the inner aileron bracket is supposed to fit, if I can recall? we seemed to have an issue there as well. Never the less, our wing skins did not have enough extra skin outboard of the end rib to allow us to fit the wing tips as we should have.

Agreed Fred - there is something not right about how the wing skins end - I have so far chosen to ignore it until we get around to the tips....

BTW - thanks for the pictures on your site! There are so few pictures of =3B's under construction that every one is a jewel!


Fred, I echo Paul's opinion about your photos. If it weren't for you, Tony S., Randy and Rob, I would be about a tenth of the way to where I am.
Did your order RV-8 inspection covers or did you make your own?

Bill Newkirk
I am guessing the inspection covers you mention are in the wing, if so, these were the inspection covers furnished on our "quick built" wings.

If I had it to do over we would install a second inspection cover in the aft fuselage, (right side, under the stabilizer) to allow better access to the elevator horns. It would just make it so much easier to be able to get both hands or additional light into that area.
There's a potential gotcha when you install those inspection covers for the wing. There's only 1/2 inch of the main spar exposed aft of the forward skin which has to accept a #6 screw and nutplate (at least that's what I have). If you follow the plans they have you put the holes 5/16 inches aft of the forward skin edge. That only leaves 3/16 inch edge distance on the main spar which is not enough.
If I recall correctly I think I had to trim the outboard skin overhang. Also, my wingtips required about a 1/4" fiberglass/flox buildup at the trailing edge to match the aileron trailing edge.
If I had it to do over we would install a second inspection cover in the aft fuselage, (right side, under the stabilizer) to allow better access to the elevator horns. It would just make it so much easier to be able to get both hands or additional light into that area.
I agree...its very hard to tighten the elevator horn bolts with just one inspection hole.
Agreed Fred - snipped....

BTW - thanks for the pictures on your site! There are so few pictures of =3B's under construction that every one is a jewel!


Any chance of the URL that points to Fred's site. As you say Paul, every one is a jewel. RV-3B builders need all the help they can get