With timing of orders and the backlog to get quick build kits, it looks like it would be wise to quick build the wing or fuse and slow build the other while you're waiting the 18 months...

For a first time builder, would you say slow build the fuselage and order quick build wings? Or slow build the wings and order the quick build fuselage?
I understand from comments of those who have done it that a slow build fuselage is more interesting vs. the repetitive nature of slow build wing construction. YMMV

With timing of orders and the backlog to get quick build kits, it looks like it would be wise to quick build the wing or fuse and slow build the other while you're waiting the 18 months...

For a first time builder, would you say slow build the fuselage and order quick build wings? Or slow build the wings and order the quick build fuselage?

Whichever you can get first. Fuse takes longer to slow build. Wings are tedious but don't take very long. Tanks? Who do you trust? Do you love the smell of Proseal in the morning?
I do :D
It's a six vs 1/2 dozen thing.
I slow-built everything on my -3B. Were I do do it again, I'd QB the wings for the reasons stated in post #2 by Med. And in addition to those reasons, if you're installing any equipment in the fuselage, you might perhaps find it easier to do when it's only partially-built.

I did the slow build for my entire airplane (still finishing). I would have to say the 'worst' part and most educational as in I'd do things differently next time, was the fuel tanks. Plenty of comments from the wife about the Pro-seal aroma, a
nd working in the garage once I evened to move out into the breeze a little more. If you are going to and must do one, with my experience I'd vote for the wing. Having said that I understand that even with he Quick build wings, Vans' has a disclaimer about testing the tanks (easy process). I don't know how many quick build wings have any issues with the tanks!

Hope that helps.

Good luck
ER tanks?

If you are considering the Sky Designs ER fuel tanks, I would order slow build wings and delete the skins and baffles that you won’t need.

I cannot see a downside to the ER tanks, especially if you are doing slow build wings.

Keep in mind the shipping. If you go quick build- depending on where your located. Shipping is crazy expensive! Can you combine the shipping or do you have to wait even longer? I agree with others, it really doesn't matter which one you slow build. Fuselage will take much longer no matter what.
Since this is posted in the RV14 group, I assume you are building a 14.
I have done both QB and SB and believe each take just about the same time. But for the first time builder, I would probably recommend SB Fues and QB wing, mainly due to building the tank. If you think you are up for building the tank, than it would be a wash.

Good luck
I slow-built everything on my -3B. Were I do do it again, I'd QB the wings for the reasons stated in post #2 by Med. And in addition to those reasons, if you're installing any equipment in the fuselage, you might perhaps find it easier to do when it's only partially-built.


You would have to order them form someone other that Van's......

But if you install it after the fuselage is built, you are guaranteed it will be serviceable (able to access) in the future. Always a + and a -...
I would do QB wings and SB fuselage. This gives you time do do tail, fuse, engine, avionics, and finish kit prior to receiving wings. Wings are the last thing you really need and the QB wings have very little work to finish them. I was going to build a 2nd -14 and with lead times a year ago this approach seemed to work well .
I built one the the first sets of RV14 wings (#16) when there were no quick build RV14 kits yet, and the wings were the only kits available. It took me 4 months start to finish, however, I built them in my basement at home and could work on the project almost every day.

I also slo-built the fuselage on my first RV8 in my basement. It took about 2-3 months to get it to quick build stage. The RV14 is more ‘engineered’ and will go together more quickly and precisely for both wings and fuselage than the earlier kits.
With lead times as they are these days, were I to summon the patience for yet another long project, I'd do as I've done both times in the past and just forego the QB entirely. My building pace is such that I'd be completing a SB project around the time that a QB kit was first arriving.

That said, I don't know that I have another major project in me. I'm thinking seriously of ordering a new Pitts S-2C...