
I'm New Here
Hey there everybody.. I'm new to the Vans network, so I'm looking forward to getting on here and see what everyone has to say. First off, I'm looking at building an RV-9A. I'm attending A&P school, so I think being an A&P and dealing with aviation on a daily basis, will make me a better builder. I've always had a passion for aviation.....even more recently!!
My question (or questions), is.... I'm looking for a good airplane that's not hard to fly, isn't going to break me to build, has good flight characteristics, something I can take my wife up with me that's pretty comfortable, and an airplane that is safe? The safety issue I'm trying to convince my wife... What some of your opinions on this?... I plan on taking my time with this project. I don't mean 20 years long... but it's not going to happen in a year or 2. I'm getting an O-320 and building it myself... and I pretty much know what I want to put in it. So.... can I ask some of you guys your insight into this matter?....................Thanks for the advice!!

Hey there everybody.. I'm new to the Vans network, so I'm looking forward to getting on here and see what everyone has to say. First off, I'm looking at building an RV-9A. I'm attending A&P school, so I think being an A&P and dealing with aviation on a daily basis, will make me a better builder. I've always had a passion for aviation.....even more recently!!
My question (or questions), is.... I'm looking for a good airplane that's not hard to fly, isn't going to break me to build, has good flight characteristics, something I can take my wife up with me that's pretty comfortable, and an airplane that is safe? The safety issue I'm trying to convince my wife... What some of your opinions on this?... I plan on taking my time with this project. I don't mean 20 years long... but it's not going to happen in a year or 2. I'm getting an O-320 and building it myself... and I pretty much know what I want to put in it. So.... can I ask some of you guys your insight into this matter?....................Thanks for the advice!!


Hi Kevin,

Some background info would probably assist the forum in providing targeted answers to your questions:

1) What is your flying experience? (total time, type of aircraft)

2) What is your proposed budget? I say proposed because the project will cost more than you intend. :)

3) Will your wife fly with you in a certificated single-engine aircraft?

4) What type of flying are you most interested in? (short grass fields, hops around the area, VFR xcountry, serious IFR xcountry, etc)

That should get the ball rolling. Best wishes!
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Hey there everybody.. I'm new to the Vans network,


Hey Kevin, wise choice joining VAF;)

Good to have you aboard.

Couple of suggestions, join EAA, and hook up with a local RV flyer, and get a ride for yourself, and your wife.

Have fun.

to the VAF Kevin.
As Mike said, the EAA is a great resource, as well as right here...the VAF "brain trust"
Just about anything RV that you can imagine is discussed and debated here, by some really helpful and talented folks.
I will say, not only will your A&P schooling help you build a better airplane, but your building experience will help you excel at your chosen trade. I am an auto mechanic and machinist by trade, 35 plus blissful years of continuous service. Building an airplane taught me an enormous amount of new skills, and led me to study aerodynamics with great interest. As a tradesman, I had no interest in engineering at all until I got involved in my first airplane construction project.
Don't mean to get you all teary eyed...but it can be a life altering experience!!

Welcome, Kevin...

...Jon Johannsen from Oz has flown his -4 solo, around the world twice, in opposite directions and ferried a -6A from Osh to Australia. Dependable??

Others have flown an -8 around the world and quite a few Atlantic crossings. Rosie and company have flown coast to coast in the US and then on to the Turks and Caicos. Dependable??

...Jon Johannsen from Oz has flown his -4 solo, around the world twice, in opposite directions and ferried a -6A from Osh to Australia. Dependable??

Others have flown an -8 around the world and quite a few Atlantic crossings. Rosie and company have flown coast to coast in the US and then on to the Turks and Caicos. Dependable??



You are selling Jon Johannsen a bit short. I met him at Van's Oshkosh banquet in 2004. He flew around twice as you mentioned. On the third time, he went over the north pole. He made an attempt at a south pole crossing from New Zealand to South America. He gave a presentation at that 2004 OSH banquet about the ways he modified the RV-4 for that mission. The winds were too much and left him with too little fuel reserve to complete the route.

You can see a photo of Jon I took that night on this page from my 2004 Oshkosh trip. http://www.n2prise.org/osh2004e.htm You will find some web links on that page about his travels.
Hey there everybody.. I'm new to the Vans network, so I'm looking forward to getting on here and see what everyone has to say. First off, I'm looking at building an RV-9A. I'm attending A&P school, so I think being an A&P and dealing with aviation on a daily basis, will make me a better builder. I've always had a passion for aviation.....even more recently!!
My question (or questions), is.... I'm looking for a good airplane that's not hard to fly, isn't going to break me to build, has good flight characteristics, something I can take my wife up with me that's pretty comfortable, and an airplane that is safe? The safety issue I'm trying to convince my wife... What some of your opinions on this?... I plan on taking my time with this project. I don't mean 20 years long... but it's not going to happen in a year or 2. I'm getting an O-320 and building it myself... and I pretty much know what I want to put in it. So.... can I ask some of you guys your insight into this matter?....................Thanks for the advice!!


Hey, Kevin, welcome to the greatest gathering of aviators this side of OSH!

You are on a track to a life in aviation, have at it. However, no mention in your post about learning to fly, just building. Don't forget that part. :)

The -9 is a very good choice for all the reasons you specify. Many are flying with very satisfied pilots.

Good luck and don't look back....
When I finished my RV-9A I had around 400 hrs on various Pipers and Cessnas over almost twenty years timespan. I found RV much easier to fly because it is very responsive. Comparing RV flying with 172 flying, it is like driving a sporty car vs a minivan. With proper transition training you get use to the speed and handling very quickly. After that it is all enjoyment. My wife and I sure enjoy the airplane and the freedom of going places. Below is a link to some of the fun we had:


Well, when talking about how safe everything is relative. In aviation we are dealing with calculated risk. Of all the pilot I met (not just friends) one was killed due to gross negligence. Of car driving friends, several died in car accidents during the past ten years. Is flying safer, I don't think so. In order not to be statistics, we have to be careful on both. Here is a link to RV-9 accidents. We can always learn from history.


The above are just my general observations. To be more specific you need to answer questions posted by Sam B. Good luck on your project.
A few lessons

You will learn as an A&P that you will (or should) un-learn in the real world.

Autofuel is bad
Mechanical fuel pumps are essential
Ethanol in fuel CANNOT be used
Lean of peak is bad
Homebuilders are a smoking black hole looking for a place to happen.

Just cross your fingers behind your back when those topics come up...;)


You MUST have magneto's
Vacuum pumps are essential in IMC (especially for The A&P's business)

In other words if it was invented after 1945 its its probably posessed with demons..:)