
Well Known Member
I am looking to upgrade my panel and would like feedback from CURRENT G3X users regarding the autopilot and specifically the 305 panel adjustment.

My current thought is I do not need it and I would like to save the panel space, not to mention the money, especially if current users say using the touch screen is just fine. I spoke with Garmin and they are supposed to be releasing a software upgrade to the G3X to allow for the IAS to be used from the G3X, as of right now you have to have the 305 to adjust a climb/descent using IAS. The 305 also brings to the table the LEVEL feature but the box is still not stand alone. You lose your G3X you still lose your capabilities.

I really appreciate any feedback from users of this G3X system, keeping in mind my missions for my 8 are:
1. Formation
2. Aerobatics
3. Short Cross Country & Light IFR
Thanks again for your feedback.
The 305 also brings to the table the LEVEL feature but the box is still not stand alone. You lose your G3X you still lose your capabilities.

The GMC 305 enables basic AP functions even if you lose all your G3X screens. As long as you have at least one operating AHRS, the system can still help you out.

The 305 is not necessary but sure is nice to have.
My opinion.

VFR nice to have.
IFR just about a must have.

I use mine constantly when I'm using the autopilot. Incredibly useful if it is at all bumpy.

Dan just stated my feelings on the topic. If I were only considering my VFR flying, I was OK with the screen switching to get to the AP functions. Now that I am getting instrument current again, the dedicated buttons of the 305 (or new 307) are a major improvement to the work load.
FWIW, I have been flying my RV-10 without the 305 for almost 3 years and 400+ hours. I have the TruTrak GX pilot, which is the original A/P designed for the G3X. Once you learn the G3X key presses it becomes just as natural as an external head. I fly mostly IFR and use the A/P continually. Yes, I wish I had the space for it and yes, it would be nice to have, and yes I wish I had the FD and Level feature... But no, it is not necessary for instrument flight.
One advantage to using the TruTrak A/P head is that if the G3X system has a complete failure, the TT can still fly the plane for me. At the time I built my panel, the 305 did not exist. BTW, I also have a Dynon D6 as backup.

Just put in a 305 a couple of months ago and already thinking of a 307 to go with the 10" touch screen. Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
I have been flying my 7 for about 80 hours without the 305. It is annoying at times to have half of the display taken up by the autopilot controls, but you get used to it. Adding a 305 or 307 is way down on my list of things I want to add. But if you have the space and $$$, I'd do it.