Adam W

Well Known Member
just finished dimpling VS skin
1 do I dimple the holes for the VS fiberglass tip that take the CS4-4 rivets?
2 what is the drill size for these CS4-4 rivet holes?

I figure it makes sense to all the dimpling drilling and sanding priming at one time
1. Don't dimple fiberglass epoxy layup, it doesn't bend. Countersink it. I like the cone-shaped abbrasive bits for fiberglass countersinking. The piece beneath a countersunk one does not get dimpled.
2. Same as solid rivets, -4 need a #30 drill.
I think he is talking about dimpling the skin, not the fiberglass.

This is how I did it:

Do not dimple the tip attaching holes for now. When your VS is riveted up,
install the fiberglass tip, drilling through the holes. Attach with 3/32 clecos. When you are satisfied with the fit(maybe you will need to sand, fill), then
drill to final size, dimple the VS skin and countersink the fiberglass.
Attach with CS-4 rivets.
I glued a strip of .032 sheet, half inch wide, on the inside edges of the FG tips, so the CS-4 grab the aluminium, not the soft FG. It works great.

If you dimple now those holes, the dimples will interfere with the fitting of the FG tip.
Yes, drill size is #30.

Hope this helps you.

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Depending on what your plan is for a finished product, you may want to epoxy the tips on and then rivet, this way if you blend and paint, there will be less chance of C O F difference cracking the paint.