
Well Known Member
I am confused. I think that I screwed something up. The plans call for trimming off the hatched area on the W-1013. I cut it all off all of the parts, but then I see it with the tab connected on all the rest of the pictures. Why would Figure 1 say to remove the hatched area then all the rest of the pictures show the tab still there. I assume I missed something and I was not supposed to cut it off. (Again, another thing that a master list will stop newbies from doing stupid things). So I guess I will be buying new parts.

I bet I will spend several thousand dollars in parts that I screw up. Now the question is if I need to buy the other parts as well (W-1013CL and W1013B-L) because I matched drilled all the parts.
I don't have the plans in front of me but I'm quite sure that they say to trim the hatched marks off two pieces but not the last two. I do believe these tabs are the aileron stops. At least they are small parts for shipping.
the part I don't understand is that the parts come together in my case. I got two parts total. Each part had two 1013. So it says to remove the hatched area. Well if the hatched are is connecting two parts together, then one would assume that you cut off the hatched area. By definition, I would have ended up with one part without the tab and one with the tab. Of course, i was focusing on making a parts that were clean, so I did not cut it smooth to begin with, so my tab would have been screwed up anyway.

If I had 4 parts, then I would not have made this mistake.

In fact, I would like to know how many people got 4 pieces all with the tabs.
Checked my plans....

I think in step #2 it says to trim off only two of the 4 tabs. I don't remember if they were originally in two pieces, but that sounds right. Sometimes the instructions can be ambiguous. When I get confused, which is a lot, I usually do just one wing at a time all they way through the current section to make sure I understand correctly, but that's just me.
By the way don't feel bad, I had visions of grander that I was going to be the first builder to never have to order extra parts. Yea right!:rolleyes:
I am building one wing at a time and I thought that this one was a no brainer, so I decided to do both at the same time.

I would have screwed it up anyway. I used a thick bladed metal saw to cut them in half. I did not make the cut clean up against the edge of the part, so I would have had a tab, but it would not have been correct. I wish they had shown both parts as one piece in the plans and showed you where the line had to be to make the tab correct.

The plans made me think that the tab had to be gone, since by default one ends up without a tab after cutting in half (well not in half), rather apart.

I assume that the tab has to pretty precise in its dimensions?

At least I did not continue and attach it to the spar.
I recall that in my case, I had 4 separate items. All had tabs. I was confused at first and I almost remove then all but I called Van's support and the tech pointed out that removal of the tabs applies to the "Outboard" bracket only. "Inboard" bracket must have it (see page 13-0 fig 1 and 2).

Don't worry, I know the feeling. Ask me why I know that :rolleyes:. It seems that screwing up things is normal. I may have read a couple of pages for 10 times before getting the idea behind a specific instruction. I guess it is part of the job. :D
Hi Ken, your kit comes with 4 of those. All 4 of mine had the tab, they were all identical. You are to trim off the piece on only 2 of the 4, 13-02 step 2. Have a look at the diagram, you will see that the 2 assemblies you build for one wing are different, one has the tab, the other doesn't.

I used an angle grinder to cut the tabs off to about 1/4 inch, then the bench grinder to finish it off precise, then of course the deburr wheel.

I'm waiting for my first big screw up, hasn't happened yet. My fear is it will be on a large piece that costs alot of money to ship or something that takes a long time to do! :rolleyes:

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the thing is I only got two parts. Two 1013 were connected together. By definition, if I cut right, I would have trimmed a tab off one and left it on the other.

And the chances that I would have trimmed it off correct were ZERO, even if I had.

How close did you trim to the edge of the piece. I was safe and left some metal so that I could grind it smooth.

I will email Vans and ask why I got the pieces the way I did.

the thing is I only got two parts. Two 1013 were connected together. By definition, if I cut right, I would have trimmed a tab off one and left it on the other.

And the chances that I would have trimmed it off correct were ZERO, even if I had.

How close did you trim to the edge of the piece. I was safe and left some metal so that I could grind it smooth.

I will email Vans and ask why I got the pieces the way I did.


Check your packing list. As far as how close, for me you can't tell they were ever there. I think I have a picture in my builders log found in my signature.