
Active Member
Step 6, on page 16-04, has you rivet the Outboard Aileron Hinge Bracket Assembly after the top outboard skin is riveted in place:

"Step 6: Cleco the W-1014-L Outboard Aileron Hinge Bracket Assembly to the wing assembly per Step 1.Rivet the outboard hinge bracket assembly to the W-1012-R TRIMMED Outboard Wing Rib then to the W-00007A-LRear Spar Web and W-1007E-L Rear Spar Doubler Plate as shown in Figure 1"

Is there any reason that I can not rivet the bracket in place before I rivet the top skin in place? The Inboard Hinge Bracket is already in place, so that one caused no issue. With the Outboard Bracket clecoed on place I can see a reason not to rivet the bracket prior to the skin.

I really hesitate to not follow the plans to the letter. I find that they are always correct. I just can't see a reason not to rivet the bracket, while I still have access to both sides of the rear spar.

Thanks all and Merry Christmas!
Yup, there is a good reason they have you wait. There are about a dozen rivets that are REALLY hard to buck when installing the wing skins. They are at the inboard doublers on the rear spar, and where both aileron hinge brackets are located. If you install the outboard hinge bracket before riveting the skin, there will be a few rivets that are impossible to buck in that area.

Thanks guys. I am going to rivet the top skins today as directed in the plans. Also completed the SB. It was a little confusing between the SB directions and the plans. But I was able to figure it out.

Thanks again