Well Known Member
Last December I had the VFR transponder cert done on my -10 and the DAR issued airworthiness cert for Day/Night VFR. I just had the full pitot/static/& transponder done for IFR. The avionics shop placed the signed sticker in the aircraft log book stating it passed the required tests. Do I need to make an additional log book entry stating that I certify the aircraft is properly equipped for IFR flight? If so,,,what wording is recommended? I am sure this has been answered many times in the past but I have been unable to find it in an advanced search. Thanks for any input.

You do not need to make any entry that the aircraft is properly equipped for IFR flight, that responsibility lays strictly with the "operator" of the aircraft, not the maintenance folks.
Walt is correct, the sticker is enough but ... check the AW; if the DAR did not include IFR then you may need to get that redone. Mel or another DAR would know for sure but I seem to recall that my intention for IFR capabilities had to be in the program letter when I had my RV-6A certified.
Check the Operating Limitations. The latest version of FAA Order 8130.2 requires one of two limitations be issued.

For Night and or IFR operation, it should read:

After completion of phase Iflight testing, unless appropriately equipped for night and/or instrument flight in accordance with ? 91.205, this aircraft is to be operated under VFR, day only.