I used Adel clamps hung from various points along the engine/baffles using valve cover screws, baffle attach screws, and case bolts. I ran my EGT wires using the valve cover and baffle attach points along with my bottom plug ignition wires. My CHT wires were run using case bolts as attach points and they shared clamps with my Alternator and starter wires on either side of the engine. YMMV....

I see you are in Woodbridge. I live in Montclair. I'm more than willing to pop the cowl on my 10 if you'd like to see how I wired things up first hand. Just let me know and we'll setup a time to meet at my hangar in Manassas.
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I took a different approach.
After dealing with wire routing for years, last year I had engine off and updating FWF items like adding a second heat muff inlet for cold winter days.
I added FW penetrations (2)that aligned with the space under the cylinders and above the intake tubes. On the cockpit side, I split the CHT/EGT wiring for left and right and routed them accordingly. FWF side I routed the wires through a flexible sleeve like is used to protect the lead/probe connection. obviously straight shot to cht locations and hooked around tubes to hit egts.
Keeps wiring "inside". Very little need for support. but did tie midspan to something else when complete. I am very happy with less clutter of wires FWF.
photo of my installation

Basically, my EGT probes are supporting the wires. Toward the firewall, I used Adel clamps to hold the wire bundle. Where the wires passed next to the exhaust pipes, I loosely wrapped them with a piece of Thermo-Tec. The red RTV is just to keep the Thermo-Tec from sliding around. (This was my brand new Custom Aircraft crossover exhaust.)

The Van's web site has some good photo references of the RV-14 and 14A prototypes.

These airplanes are done pretty much the same as all of the company prototypes were. It is a proven durable installation that maximizes accessibility of the engine compartment for maint. / repair, etc. (something that people often overlook)

Adel around intake tubes

I used an adel around an intake tube, and some ell shaped bracket I found in my junk pile:


The Van's web site has some good photo references of the RV-14 and 14A prototypes.

These airplanes are done pretty much the same as all of the company prototypes were. It is a proven durable installation that maximizes accessibility of the engine compartment for maint. / repair, etc. (something that people often overlook)


Thanks for posting that. I love the 360-view images. Wish they had that 25-years ago when I was building my RV-6. Was very lucky to have a Pawnee getting a new engine several hangars away to look at for planning my -6 setup.
Carl, is that some kind of tubing around your CHT probe wire?

They look the same as my CHT probes that came with an integral wound spring strain relief.
Mine came from GRT but I image available from plenty of other sources.

That is the most amazing tool, the 360 firewall forward view of the RV 14.

I have been trying to figure out fuel lines and the manifold for oil pressure , oil temp, and fuel pressure and bingo there it is and you can magnify it as well.

Wow thanks for pointing that out Scott and OP I am in the same place as you so thanks for asking the question.

Thanks for posting that. I love the 360-view images. Wish they had that 25-years ago when I was building my RV-6. Was very lucky to have a Pawnee getting a new engine several hangars away to look at for planning my -6 setup.

That is the most amazing tool, the 360 firewall forward view of the RV 14.

I have been trying to figure out fuel lines and the manifold for oil pressure , oil temp, and fuel pressure and bingo there it is and you can magnify it as well.

Wow thanks for pointing that out Scott and OP I am in the same place as you so thanks for asking the question.


Credit for the 360 views and detail photos goes to Adam Burch..... former Van's employee who has moved on to higher endevors (spacecraft ;))
Missing 360 Images

Scott . . . The links to the 360 images referenced above no longer take me to them, and a search on the new site didn't turn up anything. Are the 360 files still available to view?
The RV-14 360 Image isn't easy to find on the new site. It is hidden in the Q&A page. Here is a direct link to the FWF for the 14A: https://www.vansaircraft.com/faq/rv-14a-firewall-forward-360-view/

Now I have a question. The RV-14 view appears to show the EGT/CHT wires being routed with the plug wires. Is there any concern with the HV plug impulses being picked up by the millivolt thermocouple wires if they are run together?
