
Well Known Member
Question for those with Legacy Dynon and 430W

How do you guys handle the transitions from GPS Nav to VLOC when shooting localizer based approaches? I have my way but I just want to know how others do it...

How about while using the AP?

The only thing I don't like is that when I switch to NAV on the HS34 the inbound course is always wrong requiring a manual setting. I thought this should be set by the 430 since the approach is in the flight plan.

I have my CDI button disabled since you don't need it with the Dynon, could this have anything to do with it?
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430W will send the info. I am not familiar with Dynon but I you are correct that the course should already be set by 430W as it does in mine with the GRT. Of course, I have to acknowldge/confirm it the heading/course in GRT, but it is easier then turning the nub to the correct course.