
Well Known Member

My MIDO does not seem to have done an ELSA before and they seem to be giving me conflicting information about what forms are required and what else is needed to get an DAR to inspect the RV-12.

I sent them:

3 view drawing
Program letter

Are these the only things that I need to send or is there something else?
I'm not Mel, but I did sleep in a Holdiay Inn Express last night, and I'm much better looking. :D ;)

Did you include your W&B? They wanted most forward, aft, and solo W&B on mine.
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I sent them:

3 view drawing
Program letter

I'm not Mel either (and I won't comment on who is better looking)...

There's no reason for you to send the 8050-1, 8050-2 and 8050-88A to the FSDO or MIDO. These are registration forms. They should be sent to the FAA aircraft registration office (AFS-750 in FAA speak) before you apply for the airworthiness certificate. (If you have not done this yet, do NOT proceed with your application for airworthiness certificate until you do.)

Submitting the above mentioned forms to AFS-750 will register the aircraft and you will get a certificate of registration, which is form 8050-3. A COPY of this form (8050-3) should be included in your application for airworthiness certificate.

So, the forms you should send to the FSDO or MIDO are:

Copy of 8050-3 (registration certificate)
3 view drawing
Program letter
Weight and balance report

They may also want you to perform a condition inspection on the aircraft and fill out a condition inspection report.

Hope this helps!
I'm the good looking one!

Joe has pretty much covered it here. I don't find a registration in your name for an RV-12, so it appears that the aircraft is not yet registered. That's got to be the first "official" step in the certification process.
Program Letter

What are folks using for a program letter? I have the EAA registration kit which includes a program letter, but it is geared to EAB. Is anyone familiar with a similar letter for ELSA?

I am getting ready for my airworthiness inspection and I don't think I have a PROGRAM LETTER. What is it, where do I get one, should it have been in the FAA package that Van's sent? I have everything else my DAR wants to see.
I'm not Mel, but here's some advice. The Program Letter is not necessarily a form. It is a letter to the local FAA FSDO or MIDO that gets things started. There is a sample one on the EAA website at this link:


It is for Amateur-built, yes, but just change it to E-LSA if that's what you are doing, and add the note that you have the statement of Conformity. Use it as a start. The important parts are:
-What you have built
-What documention you have
-where you want your test area (this actually gets co-ordinated with the local FSDO, that's why it is needed)
-Contact information for yourself
-Location of the aircraft

Send it to your DAR or local FSDAO/MIDO, and the process should get started just fine. :)

The program letter is more of a checklist to insure that you have taken a bunch of steps so that the actual inspection process can be completed.

If any of you need help or have some special questions, I am usually available via cell in the evenings and on the week ends. 404-307-5133.

Sorry Guys, I've been in south Texas for a couple of days. I went down Sunday to issue an airworthiness certificate to a 6-seat turbine powered airplane (not an RV!). We decided to take advantage of the trip to cruise a few of the "Bluebonnet and wildflower" loops around Marble Falls and Burnett.

Your DAR should be able to furnish you with all necessary paperwork including a program letter.
One more thing...

When you send the 8050-1, 8050-2 and 8050-88A forms to Oklahoma City you also have to include a registration fee of $5.