
Well Known Member
G3Xpert - I sent two emails to you thru the Garmin website this week and have not received an answer so I thought I would try here.

I'm installing a GMA 240 audio panel and have a question concerning the PTT connections. The install manual wiring diagram shows the PTT switches hooked in parallel to the mic jack wiring for the tip and sleeve. Pushing the PTT switch would essentially short pin 31 Mic key in and pin 35 Mic audio in lo of the audio panel causing the radio to go into transmit mode. My install is different in that I am utilizing Tosten grips which short the PTT switch to ground. Is it an acceptable install to connect Mic key in pin 31 to my grip switch directly thereby shorting it to ground when the PTT switch is pushed. In doing so will I be introducing noise into the system? Would I need to to run shielded wire to the grip switch? I would also assume there would no longer be a need for the wire from the Mic key in pin 31 to the Mic jack unless I wanted to use a hand Mic or similar device.

On another note I fabricated a dsub radio grounding block, mounted and bonded it to the audio panel tray. All of the audio panel shield grounds terminate there as well as the radio wiring shields for the ARINC and SERIAL wiring. The grounds for the power side of the radios in the stack all go to a central ground point on the firewall "forest of tabs." Would it also be good practice to interconnect the grounding block for the audio shields to the central ground point as well? I trying to eliminate ground loops and noise if possible.

Any insight or advice on this is most appreciated. Thanks
I have the same set up as you. I originally wired mine per the install manual but had feedback noise when I tried to transmit through my GTR-225 radio. Steve from Garmin recommended that I wire the PTT directly to the ground block instead of the jack terminal. I also rewired my Tosten grips PTT switch with dedicated shielded wire so there was not a common ground used by the other switches. No issues since I did that.
Hi Ted,

I just looked in the inbox and I think the last thing we got from you was back in May. So please do double check you have the right email for us, [email protected].

I'll look into your questions and get back to you.

Brian it looks like I used the aviation.support email address. Thanks for looking into this for me.
Hey there g3xpert

Could you please comment on the grounding question I posed at the first of this thread. If anyone else has a comment please chime in as well. Thanks

The installation you describe seems to be somewhat unique. Specifically running shields from ARINC/serial lines to a common ground block instead of terminating on the backshell of the unit. Could you send a list of installed equipment to [email protected]? It may help to have the big picture of what you are integrating to better advise.
