Active Member
Not sure yet if and when i' m heading back to Greece due to my financial situation here but i like to know what the extra cost an European (EU) builder has to pay to import an RV kit to build.

Beside overseas shipping cost, what other associated expenses like customs, VAT, etc you have to pay?

I know there are difference duty import taxes between countries in EU and i would like to know those ones.

Is it possible to import in another EU country with lower import duty taxes and then to your specific country? (since there are no customs between EU).

I heard that you can't build a Quickbuild in France for example and in UK you can't fly IFR (so far) with an RV.
Are there any other such limitations in Europe (EU)?

Does anyone import a complete flying RV-XX to Europe and what was the associated taxes, paperwork, registration/airworthiness difficulties you faced?

Any input, advice, tips etc are greatly appreciated.

This will be difficult to answer

to my knowledge each country has different import rules, building rules and flying rules.
You already wrote about some, so it will be difficult to get a complete answer.
Your idea of getting the kit shipped to one country for customs and then shipped to the end destination might prove expensive. I think that if it did work indeed some might have tried it. I have heard of some english aircraft buyers importing via Denmark, but I don't know if it works for kits.

So here are some informations about France :
- normally you pay a 4% custom tax, but that can be waived using a special procedure
- you pay 19,6% VAT on the kit and shipping charges
- quickbuilds are not allowed, but standard kits are well know by the authorities
- only day VFR flying, aerobatics allowed if aircraft equipped (canopy jettison, 5 point harness + secondary straps, g-meter....)
- it's quasi impossible to import a completed experimental aircraft
- it might be possible to own and fly an experimental registered outside France, but I have no information on that.

Best regards

I agree with Pascal, the detailed rules in each country are different and will probably remain so for several years (perhaps for ever).

In England we have to pay 15% VAT on the cost of the kit plus the shipping cost - it is best to use a customs agent. However, if you have owned the kit for at least 6 months before your return to the UK then there is no VAT. Also applies to completed aircraft. VAT will increase back to 17.5% in a year or so. I suspect that you would have to live in England to import a completed RV here, but may not necessarily be the case - but it is sure to cost you more!

If you want to import an completed aircraft into the UK it is important to talk to some one who has done it before as there are a few traps that could end up costing you several thousand $$$ if you buy the wrong aircraft. It could easily take 6 months between the aircraft arriving in the UK in a container and being fully cleared to fly. It will cost ?60 to join the LAA and ?500 to the LAA to process the paperwork, ?60 to CAA to register the aircraft (as long as you are qualified to register an aircraft in England by residence, etc) and around ?1500 for EU mandatory insurance. You will also have to pay an LA inspector to make a thorough inspection of the aircraft (????) and to carry out any mandatory mods (eg stall warner on sbs models).

Hope this helps, Pete

Hello Thanos. I can explain you about Spain because every country has different rules waiting for common european reglamentation.
- Kit and shiping cost pay 4% custom taxes plus 16% VAT (value added tax) on the bill.
- QB allowed in Spain.
- Only day VFR. Aerobatics yes.
- Import a experimental plane only is possible if you are going to do a reconstruccion ( damaged plane ), not a flying plane.
- Only two seaters allowed, max power 180 HP, only 65 if singleseater except if this one is aerobatic, then 210 Hp.
To all you must know that all you need for construccion ( tools, hardware,instruments....) imported from USA pay shipment, custom taxes and VAT.
- Import from a cheaper european country taxes to other must be carefully analized. In theory the traffic inside EU is free. In theory. Eg. Denmark and UK do not use the Euro.
Well, is not a easy question to answer in his totality.


Mario. RV3B
Thank you all

to my knowledge each country has different import rules, building rules and flying rules.
You already wrote about some, so it will be difficult to get a complete answer.
Your idea of getting the kit shipped to one country for customs and then shipped to the end destination might prove expensive. I think that if it did work indeed some might have tried it. I have heard of some english aircraft buyers importing via Denmark, but I don't know if it works for kits.

So here are some informations about France :
- normally you pay a 4% custom tax, but that can be waived using a special procedure
- you pay 19,6% VAT on the kit and shipping charges
- quickbuilds are not allowed, but standard kits are well know by the authorities
- only day VFR flying, aerobatics allowed if aircraft equipped (canopy jettison, 5 point harness + secondary straps, g-meter....)
- it's quasi impossible to import a completed experimental aircraft
- it might be possible to own and fly an experimental registered outside France, but I have no information on that.

Best regards

Thanks Pascal for your info.
Can you explain that procedure a little further if you know?


I agree with Pascal, the detailed rules in each country are different and will probably remain so for several years (perhaps for ever).

In England we have to pay 15% VAT on the cost of the kit plus the shipping cost - it is best to use a customs agent. However, if you have owned the kit for at least 6 months before your return to the UK then there is no VAT. Also applies to completed aircraft. VAT will increase back to 17.5% in a year or so. I suspect that you would have to live in England to import a completed RV here, but may not necessarily be the case - but it is sure to cost you more!

If you want to import an completed aircraft into the UK it is important to talk to some one who has done it before as there are a few traps that could end up costing you several thousand $$$ if you buy the wrong aircraft. It could easily take 6 months between the aircraft arriving in the UK in a container and being fully cleared to fly. It will cost ?60 to join the LAA and ?500 to the LAA to process the paperwork, ?60 to CAA to register the aircraft (as long as you are qualified to register an aircraft in England by residence, etc) and around ?1500 for EU mandatory insurance. You will also have to pay an LA inspector to make a thorough inspection of the aircraft (????) and to carry out any mandatory mods (eg stall warner on sbs models).

Hope this helps, Pete

Thanks Pete for info.
What you mean by owning a kit (i guess in the US) for 6 months.
I think you taking about a US residents moving back to UK permanently and take advance of tax exemptions on household equipment and vehicles.
How much import duty you have to pay regardless VAT? I see that is a 4% at least in France and Spain.
Complete Aircraft seems a PITA.

Hello Thanos. I can explain you about Spain because every country has different rules waiting for common european reglamentation.
- Kit and shiping cost pay 4% custom taxes plus 16% VAT (value added tax) on the bill.
- QB allowed in Spain.
- Only day VFR. Aerobatics yes.
- Import a experimental plane only is possible if you are going to do a reconstruccion ( damaged plane ), not a flying plane.
- Only two seaters allowed, max power 180 HP, only 65 if singleseater except if this one is aerobatic, then 210 Hp.
To all you must know that all you need for construccion ( tools, hardware,instruments....) imported from USA pay shipment, custom taxes and VAT.
- Import from a cheaper european country taxes to other must be carefully analized. In theory the traffic inside EU is free. In theory. Eg. Denmark and UK do not use the Euro.
Well, is not a easy question to answer in his totality.


Mario. RV3B

Thanks Mario for your info.
You pay the same amount (4%) with France.
There are different VAT% in different countries.

The problem that i have importing a kit plane in Greece is that custom's officials don't know "what it is" and "what is worth" since nobody did that before so there is NO history. Actually there is an RV-6A built in Greece but is back in 1993-4.
So custom's people may consider an "airplane" as high potential of collecting high taxes and charge whatever.
So what exactly you guys in EU use in custom's forms for the kit?
"Airplane kit", "Airplane parts", something else?

It's a good starting point so i can ask some people over there for the import taxes in more specific manner.
Also what about engines, propellers etc? Do they have the same import taxes treatment as the kit plane?
I heard that imported airplane engines in Europe must have CE indication.
I don't know if that is true or not.

Thanks again


Hi again.
My customs agent ( here must contract one of them for the burocracy ) did not understand what was a kit plane. Looking for the different taxes categories finally found ?airplane parts ? that was cheaper than only airplane.
About the engine as a experimental category is not necessary any certificate. Always talk about Spain.
The rest of items bought in USA clear customs via FeDex department in Madrid.

However, if you have owned the kit for at least 6 months before your return to the UK then there is no VAT.

This is what immediately came to my mind - if finances allow, purchase the entire kit plus engine and instrumentation and don't even start building on it (easier to ship the way Vans packages it) and just take it with you as household goods.
This is what immediately came to my mind - if finances allow, purchase the entire kit plus engine and instrumentation and don't even start building on it (easier to ship the way Vans packages it) and just take it with you as household goods.

Greg thats the idea i had. You can import an airplane without any taxes under those conditions. The problem is that i 'm many thousand dollars short.:eek:

Hi again.
My customs agent ( here must contract one of them for the burocracy ) did not understand what was a kit plane. Looking for the different taxes categories finally found ¨airplane parts ¨ that was cheaper than only airplane.
About the engine as a experimental category is not necessary any certificate. Always talk about Spain.
The rest of items bought in USA clear customs via FeDex department in Madrid.


Mario and others

EU has a standard (??) code for customs called TARIC
(Integrated Tariff of the European Communities)

It will help if i know what code(s) did you guys (or your custom agent) use in custom forms for an RV kit so i can search what the fees are for Greece.


Greg thats the idea i had. You can import an airplane without any taxes under those conditions. The problem is that i 'm many thousand dollars short.:eek:

Full kit minus engine? Buy that part locally when you're ready?
TARIC codes

Hi Thanos,

Can you explain that procedure a little further if you know?
Sorry, I have no further infos about importing or flying an N registered plane in France.

EU has a standard (??) code for customs called TARIC
(Integrated Tariff of the European Communities)
I used the followings :
  • kit parts : 8803300010 : parts for civil aircraft
  • engine : 8407100010 : engine for civil aircraft
You can browse the code here :

I am not sure but I thought that the Tarif code is the same for the entire EU. I payed 2,7% on "aircraft parts". if you can get an "Airworthiness certificate" you do not have to pay any VAT nor import duties. Unfortunately anything "Experimental" does not have an airwirthyness certificate. You might be able to import a certified engine free of VAT and import duties that way though.

I am not sure what the VAT is in Greece. In Belgium it is 21%, one of the highest in the EU. Because the VAT is only 15% in Luxembourg (approx. 100 km away) I tried to have it shipped there, but you have to have a resident address, to do that. So I ended up paying 21% VAT, 2,7% Import duties and anything between EUR 10,- to EUR 50,- for the customs paperwork, per shipment! This also goes for a $ 200,- parcel with some small items or tools! Also the oversees shipping and insurance is quite expensive! The cheapest way will be to buy it all, pack it in a container with all your household goods and ship it in one go.

I am building the plane on a Dutch registration because the rules are a lot less stringent than in Belgium and that also reduces cost of building. To be able to build you have to be a member of the NVAV, which cost EUR 100,- a year. Flying a Dutch registered plane in Belgium is not a problem.

Regards, Tonny.
Hi Thanos,

as sayd by other members, each European country has different rules. Here in Italy, I pay 1,5%-2,7% custom duty, 20% VAT plus 10-50 euros for paperworks. Kit and accessories have been imported as "parts for civilian aircraft". Don't know why but sometime I paid 2,7% in duties and sometime 1,5%.

Italian rules for experimental aircraft are very similar to US rules. Until last year, the technical ispections were performed by ENAC (the Italian FAA equivalent). Now they are performed by CAP (the Italian equivalent of EAA) and everything is going easier, cheaper and faster. An ENAC delegate is present only at the last inspection before flight test. We can fly day VFR or IFR and build either a QB or SB.

Importing a complete experimental aircraft from another country is possible within EU, I don't know if it is possible to import one form a non-EU country. I think that importing an airplane in a different country just to save on duties and VAT is not convenient because shipping rates are usually high.
Hi Thanos,

Sorry, I have no further infos about importing or flying an N registered plane in France.

I used the followings :
  • kit parts : 8803300010 : parts for civil aircraft
  • engine : 8407100010 : engine for civil aircraft
You can browse the code here :

normally you pay a 4% custom tax, but that can be waived using a special procedure

Pascal thanks for the codes, that will be useful.
As far for the procedure i meant this one:

normally you pay a 4% custom tax, but that can be waived using a special procedure
I know the answer to this one

normally you pay a 4% custom tax, but that can be waived using a special procedure

The procedure is called : Special destination declaration.
I don't know if this works outside France. (doesn't seem reading the belgian, italian, spanish and english contributors)
You have to do some paperwork before the crates are in the hands of the customs, then you tell them (or rather your broker does it) that you applied for the special procedure and the tax is waved.
You have to keep all the paperwork during the lifetime of the aircraft. I think it is to make sure that you are the end user and are not reselling the parts.
When applying for the procedure you get a time limit to use it unless you get an extension. You also declare the estimated value of the goods you intend to import.

I am not sure but I thought that the Tarif code is the same for the entire EU. I payed 2,7% on "aircraft parts". if you can get an "Airworthiness certificate" you do not have to pay any VAT nor import duties. Unfortunately anything "Experimental" does not have an airwirthyness certificate. You might be able to import a certified engine free of VAT and import duties that way though.

That's very interesting! So you can import an US certified aircraft with no duties & VAT. Seems unbelievable!!:)
Also looks like the same TARIC code has different taxes in different countries

I am not sure what the VAT is in Greece. In Belgium it is 21%, one of the highest in the EU. Because the VAT is only 15% in Luxembourg (approx. 100 km away) I tried to have it shipped there, but you have to have a resident address, to do that. So I ended up paying 21% VAT, 2,7% Import duties and anything between EUR 10,- to EUR 50,- for the customs paperwork, per shipment! This also goes for a $ 200,- parcel with some small items or tools! Also the oversees shipping and insurance is quite expensive! The cheapest way will be to buy it all, pack it in a container with all your household goods and ship it in one go.

I am building the plane on a Dutch registration because the rules are a lot less stringent than in Belgium and that also reduces cost of building. To be able to build you have to be a member of the NVAV, which cost EUR 100,- a year. Flying a Dutch registered plane in Belgium is not a problem.

Regards, Tonny.

Greece has 19%.
It was able to you to built under a Dutch registration without having a Dutch residential address? (like the shipping issues)

Hi Thanos,

as sayd by other members, each European country has different rules. Here in Italy, I pay 1,5%-2,7% custom duty, 20% VAT plus 10-50 euros for paperworks. Kit and accessories have been imported as "parts for civilian aircraft". Don't know why but sometime I paid 2,7% in duties and sometime 1,5%.

Italian rules for experimental aircraft are very similar to US rules. Until last year, the technical ispections were performed by ENAC (the Italian FAA equivalent). Now they are performed by CAP (the Italian equivalent of EAA) and everything is going easier, cheaper and faster. An ENAC delegate is present only at the last inspection before flight test. We can fly day VFR or IFR and build either a QB or SB.

Importing a complete experimental aircraft from another country is possible within EU, I don't know if it is possible to import one form a non-EU country. I think that importing an airplane in a different country just to save on duties and VAT is not convenient because shipping rates are usually high.

Claudio, seems that you have one of the best regulations out there in EU.
Thanks for the info. I was wondering if i can built under Italian registration for the reasons Tonny said before for Belgium & Dutch.
Italy is a couple of hours from Corfu, Greece, easily accessible by air or ship.

Also is a good reason to refresh my Italian i learned years ago:D


Ciao Thanos,
if you need more informations about the procedure and paperwork, you can contact the CAP

I don't know if they can assist the building process outside Italy even if you will register the plane in Italy, but you can try.
Greece has 19%.
It was able to you to built under a Dutch registration without having a Dutch residential address? (like the shipping issues)

Yes, it is not a problem, the NVAV accepts foreign buiders, as long as they are not to far away from the Dutch border. I guess Greece will not be accepted, though. Since a member of the NVAV will have to visit the builder a few times during construction, that is not going to be very practical.

Regards, Tonny.
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In England if you register with your local customs office you can be exempt from paying import duty (4%) on aircraft parts. If a UK shipping agent were used that is familiar with kit aircraft (eg BigMisters,, [email protected]), they would apply for the exemption. VAT at 15% is still payable.

I lived in Texas for 5 years so was able to bring back to the UK a flying RV-6 and RV-7 kit as my own property and paid no import tax or VAT. If you were not resident abroad, and then did not return to be resident in England I think it would be difficult to get this dispensation - several forms to fill out - the Customs men have wide ranging powers and use them forcefully.

The TARIC codes are on line, I think I used the ones quoted earlier.

The UK VAT rate is increasing to 17.5% in a years time.

I think this has been going over and over many times. With the proper TARIC codes (mentioned earlier) you can avoid duties. That VAT is different thing but best to ask from the one who collects it.

I recently didn't pay any duties, only VAT. To use code with 0 % duty I needed something called "end use permit" -- I never saw it as all the custom facilities etc. were taken care by forwarding agency.
interesting info...

here in switzerland you pay only 7.6% VAT on anything.
plus customs fees depending on item (these are usually quite low or even zero)
and of course the shipping on all the items from the U.S.
we figure about 10% of the total finished airplane costs added just for shipping and handling and it looks about right. higher portion for shipping for small items like spruce orders and lower portion for the big items like kit and engine.
so figure 17.6% added cost over what a kitplane would cost in the U.S. completed.
the reason that the customs fees are usually zero is an international treaty back from the 70's agreeing on no customs for airplane and airplane engine parts. we had no problems declaring everything as either "airplane part" or "airplane engine" so far. except for things like tools etc...

now regarding the trading of flying experimental aircraft from one register to another in europe, that's close to impossible :-( we looked into that when i helped a friend sell his experimental.
once it's registered in a country, with current regulations, it practically has to stay on that register. however, assuming a jar-fcl license, it should be no problem to fly that foreign registered aircraft in your home country. the only problem would be to fulfill whatever national requirements the registers have. e.g. ownership, residential permit, taxation etc... information on that is also not very transparent and not freely available :-(

regarding experimental limits in switzerland,
they are currently (among other) day vfr only, max 4 seats and rv quickbuild allowed (because they can still be inspected on the interior) and membership in the eas.
there have been attempts for nvfr and ifr registrations and they are no longer categorically impossible, however it's not quite clear how it works and what exactly would have to be fulfilled.
official web of the EAS (experimental aviation switzerland) is

while a lot of the oversight is delegated to the EAS, the final inspection and since recently also the condition inspections are to be done by the FOCA (Federal Office for Civil Aviation) with their respective costs :-(

Denmark, aircraft and VAT

A quick glance at the replies you have, makes me think you have not been told the thing you want to know. Apologies if this is a duplicate.

I am presuming the reason of your post is that you want to deliver an RV kit to Europe and pay little tax.

Taxation is mostly unique to each country. Denmark does not charge VAT on RV kits, engines, and much more, though I dont know the specifics. Danes have however normally built RV without payment of VAT. As I see it therefore, there is no reason why you should not ship the kit to an address in Denmark. That would cost you some small duties and transport.

Since we have free movement of goods in the EU you are then free to stick it in the back of your truck and go where you will inside the EU.

You may find that difficult on your own, so you could contact who provide this as a service.

Danish law changes at the end of '09 so decide if that is what you want to do and get on with it.

Before I go further I should say my wife is Danish, so we have lots of addresses in DK we could have used for my RV9 and RV4. However, to my mind its not worth the fuss, and I shipped stuff mostly to the UK.
Pascal thanks for the codes, that will be useful.
As far for the procedure i meant this one:

normally you pay a 4% custom tax, but that can be waived using a special procedure

The procedure is called : Special destination declaration.
I don't know if this works outside France. (doesn't seem reading the belgian, italian, spanish and english contributors)
You have to do some paperwork before the crates are in the hands of the customs, then you tell them (or rather your broker does it) that you applied for the special procedure and the tax is waved.
You have to keep all the paperwork during the lifetime of the aircraft. I think it is to make sure that you are the end user and are not reselling the parts.
When applying for the procedure you get a time limit to use it unless you get an extension. You also declare the estimated value of the goods you intend to import.


Seems like the above TARIC code 8803300010 returns a 0% tax for some reason and with the same code others pay from 0~4%.
Ciao Thanos,
if you need more informations about the procedure and paperwork, you can contact the CAP

I don't know if they can assist the building process outside Italy even if you will register the plane in Italy, but you can try.

Grazia Claudio
I need to really refresh my Italian.:( Can i "talk" to them in English?

Yes, it is not a problem, the NVAV accepts foreign buiders, as long as they are not to far away from the Dutch border. I guess Greece will not be accepted, though. Since a member of the NVAV will have to visit the builder a few times during construction, that is not going to be very practical.

Regards, Tonny.

Yes we are few thousand kilometers away. That's why i was considering Italy.
Thanks anyway.

In England if you register with your local customs office you can be exempt from paying import duty (4%) on aircraft parts. If a UK shipping agent were used that is familiar with kit aircraft (eg BigMisters,, [email protected]), they would apply for the exemption. VAT at 15% is still payable.

I lived in Texas for 5 years so was able to bring back to the UK a flying RV-6 and RV-7 kit as my own property and paid no import tax or VAT. If you were not resident abroad, and then did not return to be resident in England I think it would be difficult to get this dispensation - several forms to fill out - the Customs men have wide ranging powers and use them forcefully.

The TARIC codes are on line, I think I used the ones quoted earlier.

The UK VAT rate is increasing to 17.5% in a years time.


Hi Pete

I know that you have to have the Flying RV-6, for example, for at least 6 months (at least what the law says in Greece for Vehicles, boats, aircrafts).
Also says that it has to registered in US for the above period to be acceptable back to your country without any taxes , duties, VAT.
In your case, and i' m talking about the -7 kit, you pass it through customs as a "household" item, as a kit airplane , or as a US registered airplane (even though it's not build yet)?

Thanks in advance
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A quick glance at the replies you have, makes me think you have not been told the thing you want to know. Apologies if this is a duplicate.

I am presuming the reason of your post is that you want to deliver an RV kit to Europe and pay little tax.

Taxation is mostly unique to each country. Denmark does not charge VAT on RV kits, engines, and much more, though I dont know the specifics. Danes have however normally built RV without payment of VAT. As I see it therefore, there is no reason why you should not ship the kit to an address in Denmark. That would cost you some small duties and transport.

Since we have free movement of goods in the EU you are then free to stick it in the back of your truck and go where you will inside the EU.

You may find that difficult on your own, so you could contact who provide this as a service.

Danish law changes at the end of '09 so decide if that is what you want to do and get on with it.

Before I go further I should say my wife is Danish, so we have lots of addresses in DK we could have used for my RV9 and RV4. However, to my mind its not worth the fuss, and I shipped stuff mostly to the UK.

That's very interesting Steve

Of course there are some other kind of taxation on each country.
For example in Greece you have to pay extra custom duties when you import a vehicle, EVEN if it is from an EU country. :mad:
I don't know, to be honest about airplanes and boats and i have to find out.

Does the Danish authorities give you a "receipt" or "certificate" that VAT is paid in Denmark even though you did not pay anything?
Authorities in Greece may question that and ask for VAT unless you already paid that in another EU country!


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Does the Danish authorities give you a "receipt" or "certificate" that VAT is paid in Denmark even though you did not pay anything?
Authorities in Greece may question that and ask for VAT unless you already paid that in another EU country!

You see, that's the problem when you are not paying VAT. "They" will come after you, anyway and make you pay when you register the plane.

("They" = authorities, government, tax office, or the likes)

Good luck!

Regards, Tonny.
As far as I know you do pay VAT in Denmark for 0 % so you do get an receipt. Many planes has been bought here in Finland through Denmark without VAT.

The problem with the RV and kit is that you do buy them piece by piece so it makes little sense to sent stuff first to Denmark and then to you. At least it adds shipping cost and risk of failure in transportation. If you are buying whole plane at once then this is the way to do it.
Hi Pete

I know that you have to have the Flying RV-6, for example, for at least 6 months (at least what the law says in Greece for Vehicles, boats, aircrafts).
Also says that it has to registered in US for the above period to be acceptable back to your country without any taxes , duties, VAT.
In your case, and i' m talking about the -7 kit, you pass it through customs as a "household" item, as a kit airplane , or as a US registered airplane (even though it's not build yet)?

Thanks in advance

Apologies for delay in replying. I declared the -7 kit as aircraft parts. The airplane had not been registered in the US so could not be declared as "an airplane". The customs did not seem too concerned, although I did use a shipping agent to ensure no problems. I did not have to provide any documentation that I had owned the kit for > 6 months, but did have the invoices and many pictures for me building stuff if there had been a problem.

Hi folks,
I?m about to import a kit to Germany and will do that via Denmark. I?ll use a company called OPMAS wich has a very good reputation. Problems will occur if the airplane can fly aerobatics.
However, the tax advantage to import via Denmark will probably be gone by the end of the year.
A very complete internet page about nearly everything related to n-registration in the Germany/Europe is , unfortunatly written in German.
Hals-und Beinbruch
You see, that's the problem when you are not paying VAT. "They" will come after you, anyway and make you pay when you register the plane.

("They" = authorities, government, tax office, or the likes)

Good luck!

Regards, Tonny.

As far as I know you do pay VAT in Denmark for 0 % so you do get an receipt. Many planes has been bought here in Finland through Denmark without VAT.

The problem with the RV and kit is that you do buy them piece by piece so it makes little sense to sent stuff first to Denmark and then to you. At least it adds shipping cost and risk of failure in transportation. If you are buying whole plane at once then this is the way to do it.

That's nice Pirkka, receipt is a prove that you paid VAT even if it was 0%.:D

Apologies for delay in replying. I declared the -7 kit as aircraft parts. The airplane had not been registered in the US so could not be declared as "an airplane". The customs did not seem too concerned, although I did use a shipping agent to ensure no problems. I did not have to provide any documentation that I had owned the kit for > 6 months, but did have the invoices and many pictures for me building stuff if there had been a problem.

I 'm late also Pete. Thanks for the info

Hi folks,
I?m about to import a kit to Germany and will do that via Denmark. I?ll use a company called OPMAS wich has a very good reputation. Problems will occur if the airplane can fly aerobatics.
However, the tax advantage to import via Denmark will probably be gone by the end of the year.
A very complete internet page about nearly everything related to n-registration in the Germany/Europe is , unfortunatly written in German.
Hals-und Beinbruch

Thanks Rambo, let us know how the whole procedure going.
Also the info in that site may be useful if i knew German.
