
Well Known Member
I have been debating the RV8 console modifications that several builders have done, blending a wider console with the base of the panel side sections. The throttle quadrant is positioned further aft and an arm rest is provided by this modification. My question is this. Are the standard consoles, especially the left, comfortable to use as designed or would you like more arm support, different throttle position etc? I have done a simple prototype in cardboard and like the feel. Are there precision plans or drawings of these modifications available to avoid re-inventing the wheel?
Hi Chuck,

I can only answer your question relative to the standard throttle location, as I haven't flown with the modified ones - I'm sure you'll get responses on those. I haven't found any need for anything other than what is stock, to be honest - but those modified ones sure do look cool, and allow some clever angled panels joining them to the main panel as well. I thought about them ,after seeing someone else's, but decided to stay stock when he told me it took several months for him to construct them (but he also took 8 years to build, so he wasn't exactly a speed demon anyway). I suppose they take some room out of the cockpit as well, but you could easily mock that up and then sit in it for the length of a day's cross-country to see if it bothers you....;)

Bottom line in my rambling - the stock location works - for me. It is probably depended on your size and arm positions.

I have been debating the RV8 console modifications that several builders have done, blending a wider console with the base of the panel side sections. The throttle quadrant is positioned further aft and an arm rest is provided by this modification. My question is this. Are the standard consoles, especially the left, comfortable to use as designed or would you like more arm support, different throttle position etc?

This is a very individual choice, but for me it was a big deal to move the throttle position.

I'm shorter than Van (5'8") and have relatively short arms. I had the opportunity to fly a stock -8A while building my -8. Although it wasn't any problem to fly, especially in cruise, it required an awkward hand position to bring the throttle back to idle in the landing flare. The stick is also a little too low and forward for someone my size, and I modified the stick to move the grip back a little. This is most important when rolling the airplane to the left, but relatively unimportant for routine flying.

I have flown my airplane and a stock one back-to-back several times, and I find mine much more comfortable. YMMV.

My best advice is to find a stock airplane and either fly it, or sit in the cockpit and go through all the motions of an entire flight, using all the controls. This takes a little while, but is worth the time and effort to get things like you want. (If you do this, try not to let anyone see you--it might put your medical in peril)
?Arm fatigue?

Thanks guys. I have tested the reduction in cockpit width, and since I am on the smaller side, did not find that to be an issue. I am afraid the need to reach forward for a prolonged period without an arm support may be fatiguing. Paul have you ever noticed that?
I too had some concerns with support for my left arm and the stock throttle position. I am tall (6'4"), and the stock arm rest and throttle positions were not comfortable for me. I raised the armrest 1 1/4" and wrapped it around the bulkhead in front of it (can't remember the part numbers right now!) so my arm could slide back an forth while using the throttle. I then moved the throttle quadrant out 1" for better access. This proved to be very comfortable. It took me about 25 hours of fab work, but I am a slow rookie! If you would like some pics let me know.

Hope it helps with your decision!

Paul "Ox" Harder
I recommend you build it per the plans. The more changes you make, the longer it will take to build... and every change causes other things to need changes down the road. Just "gitter done".

Also, the cockpit will get narrower when the plane is full. If your flying cross-country with a passenger, his feet and legs will occupy part of your space next to you. This causes problems with where to store sectionals, water, etc. If you make extended arm rests, I think it will cause the cockpit to "close in around you." I built per plans and wish I had more space for stuff. I wouldn't want to give up 1" of space.

Just my opinion, worth what you paid for it.

Stock is easy and simple

I also recommend a stock throttle installation. The RV-8, despite its original concept as an "RV-4 for bubbas," still has a relatively small cockpit. I sat in several friends' airplanes and came to the difficult conclusion that, regardless of how cool a set of side-consoles looks, moving the throttle aft was not an option for me. I am 6'0" and have fairly long arms, but the loss of cabin width and loss of some foot-room for the rear seater is the biggest issue.

I installed a sloped flap console just forward of the throttle quadrant, and a small side console under the right side of the instrument panel, but neither of these takes up much room.

Even so, these mods took several weeks, dozens of hours, and much head-scratching. (Fun head-scratching, but still head-scratching.)

If arm support is an issue, you could install a small, padded shelf on the left vertical channel cap, under where your forearm is. I've seen that done on several RV-8s.
Stock vs. Custom Console/Quadrant

My throttle quadrant is stock. Very recently I had the opportunity to fly my friend's -8 with modified consoles and the throttle quadrant farther back - basically in line with the spar. Both of us have the Todd Rudberg modified control sticks (S-ed back aft a bit).

I've always loved the look of the consoles and the extra room to mount essentials. I loved the modified console layout in appearance, but when it came to fly it, I found that the console (typical for modified consoles in terms of overall layout) placed the throttle a little bit too aft for my taste. So, in comparison I found the stock location more favorable and for me the throttle falls right in hand naturally.

The stick is another matter and would be much more comfortable if it could be taller and much further aft. I am 5'9 and the standard Van's stick position in the -8 is way too low and way too far foward for average to short guys. Even with the modified stick it could be much better still.
I am afraid the need to reach forward for a prolonged period without an arm support may be fatiguing. Paul have you ever noticed that?

Well, I have to honestly say I have never experienced left arm fatigue in the Val that I can recall. If I'm flying with my hand on the throttle, I am pretty much engaged in what I am doing - formation, Acro, etc. most of the time, I am trying to NOT move the power levers, as I have carefully set things up for cruise. But everyone is shaped a little different, I endorse the concept of trying on a cockpit - let me know if you want to drop by Pearland sometime.

I love my mods

I have the modified consouls and love them!!
They do not really take that long to do and enough people have done it that its not totally unknown.
I say go for it
Can someone post a picture of what is being discussed? I might be interested in making these changes myself.

The challenge of the modifications and the personalization is part of the attraction for me.
two thoughts

First.....more weight, not your friend.

Second......I am 6'2" and had the opportunity to ride in the back of a -8 with the modified consoles and it really sucks from a passenger's point of view. I literally had to pull my feet back and place them flat on the floor of the back seat. After 1 1/2 hrs, it was time to get out.

But they look cool.......
Can someone post a picture of what is being discussed? I might be interested in making these changes myself.

The challenge of the modifications and the personalization is part of the attraction for me.

Here's a photo of a nice job I took at LOE 2006. FWIW, I planned on doing this until I sat in my fuse. I'm tall with long arms. For me the stock setup is ideal. You should do what makes you happy!

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Build what you like

I say try to find a 8 with this mod and try it, its not going to fit everyone but if it works for you I think its great. My plane weighs 1092 empty so it does not have to add a whole bunch of weight. And its adds a little coolness to the bird. But each his own:D
I love the look....

The look is great but after fitting the factory style and mocking up the modified version with cardboard, I find positives aspects to both arrangements so I will continue to study it for a while. Lots of other stuff to do while deciding. Thanks to all who have responded.