
Well Known Member
I am looking at these plans with a big question. Now are the brackets supposed to be 1 3/8 bigger? Or, are the holes supposed to be at 1 3/8? I made a couple templates to compare the two. Am I doing this right?


Yea the outboard brackets are supposed to be larger than the inboard because they do not rest on the 1/8" thick spar reenforcement bars. You just add the dimensions listed on the plans.

When you are drilling the rivet holes that attach the reenforcement bars the the rear spar you need to take a look at the fuselage drawings that show the fuse-HS attachment bar spacing. In other words, a few of the rivets between the inboard hinge brackets can interfere with the bars that attach the horizontal stab to the fuselage. Good luck,
I am looking at these plans with a big question. Now are the brackets supposed to be 1 3/8 bigger? Or, are the holes supposed to be at 1 3/8? I made a couple templates to compare the two. Am I doing this right?

The bracket is 1 3/8"
The center line for the hole is 1 1/16"
You have a 5/16" difference ( 5/16 R) so that's the curve on the right side of the part.
That's what I'm seeing.
Hope it helps.
Hinge Center Line

If you follow the plans, the hinge center line is farther out on the bottom. It was explained to me that this allows the rudder to swing out at the bottom increasing rudder effectiveness. This works with two hinge points, but this part of the design was not carried through on other models because it does not work with three hinge points as they must be in line.
If you look at the plans closely, you will see the skin is trimmed on the top more than the bottom and the rudder is not parallel to the HS.
I dont think there is enough offset to make a significant difference, but Van was a purist and it shows in the design of the 3.
I think most make the rudder parallel to the HS and dont follow the plans strictly here.
(by the way, the dimmension for the bottom hinge bracket hole is not shown. You have to add up the material dimmensions and do the math to fiind it, all part of the fun of building a 3)
Sorry, it is shown....

(by the way, the dimmension for the bottom hinge bracket hole is not shown. You have to add up the material dimmensions and do the math to fiind it, all part of the fun of building a 3)

You have to add up the material dimmensions to figure out how to make it match the top if you want to make the rudder parallel to the HS.