
Well Known Member
Is there any definitive way to tell the difference between a 2x, 3x, 4x, etc., without knowing exact make/model numbers?

Here's my dilemma...a friend of mine owns a pawn shop and has somewhere around 30 rivet guns in stock. He says "they never sell" and offered me any single one of them for $20.

I already have a Sioux 2x, but as I get ready to embark on my wing kit, I thought a 3x might also be nice to have (especially @ $20).

The makes and models of these numerous guns are all different, at least when viewing them all side-by-side. I was curious if anyone had any tricks for identifying the various guns? Or is my best bet to try and write down all the makes/model numbers (if they have them visible) and research them first? I obviously don't want to buy another 2x when I already have one, don't want a 4x because it may be overkill, etc.

Thanks for any info/tips.
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Air Hammers?

Are they air hammers? That's a really good question!?

They appear to look exactly like your a-typical rivet gun, but how in the world can you really tell?

Sorry to sound so stupid on the subject, but they LOOK just like rivet guns, but how do you tell? I know a rivet gun is VERY similar in design, at least on exterior looks.
txaviator said:
Here's my dilemma...a friend of mine owns a pawn shop and has somewhere around 30 rivet guns in stock. He says "they never sell" and offered me any single one of them for $20.

Thanks for any info/tips.

If you find more than one 2X or 3X available (especially at that price!), I'd like one. I'm not a builder, but I want to work through Van's $32 training kit without having to spend $200+ on a rivet gun that will see only occasional usage.
It doesn't matter if it is an air hammer or not. The question is, does it have a good teasing trigger? I've built 8 airplanes and rebuilt many more with an air hammer. But, It is an "old" one with a good teasing trigger. Most later model air hammers go from off to on without a "ramp-up". If it has a good teasing trigger, it will work fine regardless.
Rivet Gun vs. Air Hammer


I'm so glad to hear someone else point out that the 'air hammer' is capable if it doesn't have a on/off trigger. I spent 12 years as a mechanic and have been using my 10+ year old 'air hammer' to build my -10. The only mod I made was to put a regulator on the end of the air hammer similar to the one on my paint gun so I can throttle down the air.
