
Well Known Member
I acquired a Narco CN40E3 Marker Beacon Receiver and would like to install it in my RV-6A. I have figured out how it fires the lights and I should be able to hook it up to my Dynon D100/HS-34.

My question is on the four primary wires. I know that the Red is the primary power (assuming 12V) and the black is the ground. However, there is also a Green wire that is labelled as instrument lights. I am guessing this feeds off the lighting bus and I should be able to ignore it. The fourth wire is yellow. It is unlabelled (looks like it was un-used in the previous installation) and enters the board near the other power connections. I am guessing that it could be related to using 28V. I don't think it is audio out, as I don't see any circuitry related to audio.

Does anyone have experience with this type of unit that could share with me the intend connections for these four wires?

My challenge here is that I have no way to test the functionality prior to installation. If you know of a way to make this fire it's lights from the bench, I would like to know.

Thanks for any assistance that can be provided.

If you have an approach approved GPS I wouldn't mess with a marker beacon.

I don't have my IFR ticket yet (plan to get it after my Phase I). I have a KLN-90 (approach certified), but will still need ILS for Precision approaches. Are the Marker Beacon Fixes relatively easy to find? I suppose I really only need the MM anyways.

I don't believe the KLN-90 will let me do ILS or LOC approaches, so I would need to enter a MM fix as a waypoint.
